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ABL Reference
Class Properties and Methods Reference

Class Properties and Methods Reference

This section contains reference entries that describe each built-in class property and method that ABL supports for working with ABL classes and structured error handling. Class properties and methods are mechanisms that allow you to monitor and control the behavior of class-based objects. The class properties and methods described in this section are provided by two types of OpenEdge classes:
*Built-in ABL classes that support working with user-defined ABL classes
*Built-in .NET classes that support working with .NET forms and controls
Some methods of built-in ABL classes also support .NET features, especially for handling .NET exceptions using ABL structured error handling.
For information on:
*The built-in classes provided by OpenEdge for working with both ABL and .NET classes (including structured error handling), see the Class, Interface, and Enumeration Reference.
*Accessing class properties in ABL, see the Class-based property access reference entry.
*Calling class methods in ABL, see the Class-based method call reference entry.
* Syntax for describing class method parameter and property data types
* AcceptContentType property
* AcceptEncoding property
* AccessMode property
* AccessDenied property
* AccessRevoked property
* AccountDisabled property
* AccountExpired property
* ActBufferId property
* ActIndexId property
* ActIOFileId property
* ActIOTypeId property
* ActivateWorkstep( ) method
* ActivityName property
* ActOtherId property
* ActRecordId property
* ActSpaceId property
* ActSummaryId property
* AdapterType property
* Add( ) method (JsonArray)
* Add( ) method (JsonObject)
* Add( ) method (Progress.Util.EnumHelper)
* AddMessage( ) method
* AddNull( ) method (JsonArray)
* AddNull( ) method (JsonObject)
* AddNumber( ) method (JsonArray)
* AddNumber( ) method (JsonObject)
* AgentId property
* AllowEdit property
* AllowNew property
* AllowRemove property
* And( ) method
* Append property
* ArchiveIndexStatistics property
* ArchiveTableStatistics property
* AreEqual( ) method
* AreNotEqual( ) method
* Array property
* ArrayIndex property
* Ascending property
* Assign( ) method (Progress.BPM.Task)
* Assign( ) method (Progress.Data.BindingSource)
* AuthenticationAccess property
* AuthenticationFailed property
* AutoSort property
* AutoSync property
* AutoUpdate property
* BandIndex property
* Batching property
* BlockId property
* Boolean property
* BPMDataTypeName property
* BufferHdl property
* BufferName property
* BuffStatusId property
* CallStack property
* CanRead property
* CanWrite property
* CharacterEncoding property
* ChildAllowEdit property
* ChildAllowNew property
* ChildAllowRemove property
* ChildInputValue property
* Choices property
* ClientContextId property
* Clear( ) method (Class)
* Clone( ) method (JsonArray)
* Clone( ) method (JsonObject)
* Clone( ) method (Progress.Lang.Object)
* Close( ) method (IO)
* Close( ) method (WebResponseWriter)
* Closed property
* CompareTo( ) method
* Complement( ) method
* Complete( ) method
* CompleteWorkstep( ) method
* Connect( ) method
* Connected property
* ContentLength property
* ContentType property
* ContextNames property
* Count property
* Create( ) method (CHARACTER)
* Create( ) method (DATETIME)
* Create( ) method (DECIMAL)
* Created property
* Creator property
* Custom property
* DataType property
* DataTypeName property (BPM)
* DataTypeName property (Reflect)
* DbStatusId property
* DeclaringClass property
* DefaultCookieDomain property
* DefaultCookiePath property
* Deserialize( ) method (BinarySerializer)
* Deserialize( ) method (JsonSerializer)
* Device property
* Disconnect( ) method (Progress.BPM.UserSession)
* Dispose( ) method
* DisposeDialogOnClose property
* DueDate property
* EmbeddedWindow property
* END_OF_ARRAY property
* Equals( ) method
* Extent property
* FieldIndex property
* FieldName property
* FileName property
* FileListId property
* FilterValue property (CHARACTER)
* FilterValue property (DATETIME)
* Flush( ) method (FileOutputStream)
* Flush( ) method (OutputStream)
* Flush( ) method (WebResponseWriter)
* Formatted property
* FormFieldNames property
* Get( ) method
* GetAssignedTasks( ) method
* GetAvailablePresentationTypes( ) method
* GetAvailableTasks( ) method
* GetCharacter( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetCharacter( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetClass( ) method (Progress.Lang.Class)
* GetClass( ) method (Progress.Lang.Object)
* GetClientPrincipal( ) method (Progress.Lang.OERequestInfo)
* GetClientPrincipal( ) method (Progress.BPM.UserSession)
* GetCOMHandle( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetCOMHandle( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetConstructor( ) method
* GetConstructors( ) method
* GetContextLongValue( ) method
* GetContextValue( ) method
* GetCookies( ) method
* GetDataSlots( ) method
* GetDataSlotTemplates( ) method
* GetDate( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetDate( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetDatetime( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetDatetime( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetDatetimeTZ( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetDatetimeTZ( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetDecimal( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetDecimal( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetEnum( ) method
* GetEnumName( ) method
* GetEnumNames( ) method
* GetEnumValue( ) method
* GetEnumValues( ) method
* GetEvent( ) method
* GetEvents( ) method
* GetFormLongValue( ) method
* GetFormValue( ) method
* GetHandle( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetHandle( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetHandlerParameters( ) method
* GetHeader( ) method
* GetHeaders( ) method
* GetIndexInfoByID( ) method
* GetIndexStatHistoryHandle( ) method
* GetInteger( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetInteger( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetInterfaces( ) method
* GetInt64( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetInt64( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetJsonArray( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetJsonArray( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetJsonObject( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetJsonObject( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetJsonText( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetJsonText( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetLogical( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetLogical( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetLongchar( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetLongchar( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetMemptr( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetMemptr( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetMessage( ) method (Class)
* GetMessageNum( ) method
* GetMethod( ) method
* GetMethods( ) method
* GetNames( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetParameters( ) method
* GetPathParameter( ) method
* GetPresentationUI( ) method
* GetProcess( ) method
* GetProcesses( ) method
* GetProcessTemplateNames( ) method
* GetProperties( ) method
* GetProperty( ) method
* GetPropertyValue( ) method
* GetRaw( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetRaw( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetRecid( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetRecid( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetRowid( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetRowid( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetTableInfoByID( ) method
* GetTableInfoByPosition( ) method
* GetTableStatHistoryHandle( ) method
* GetTask( ) method
* GetterAccessMode property
* GetType( ) method (JsonArray)
* GetType( ) method (JsonObject)
* GetType( ) method (TypeHelper)
* GetVariable( ) method
* GetVariables( ) method
* GetValue( ) method
* GetVSTHandle( ) method
* Handle property
* HandleDelete( ) method
* HandleGet( ) method
* HandleHead( ) method
* HandleOptions( ) method
* HandlePatch( ) method
* HandlePost( ) method
* HandlePut( ) method
* HandleRequest( ) method (IWebHandler)
* HandleRequest( ) method (WebHandler)
* HandleRequest( ) method (WebSpeedHandler)
* HandleTrace( ) method
* Has( ) method (JsonObject)
* HasCookie( ) method
* HasHeader( ) method
* HasStatics( ) method
* HasWidgetPool( ) method
* IgnoreComments property
* IndexStatId property
* InputValue property
* InvalidConfiguration property
* Invoke( ) method (Class)
* Invoke( ) method (Constructor)
* Invoke( ) method (Method)
* Id property
* Is( ) method
* IsA( ) method
* IsAbstract( ) method
* IsAbstract property
* IsEnum( ) method
* IsFinal( ) method
* IsFinal property
* IsFlagsEnum( ) method
* IsFlagSet( ) method
* IsGeneric( ) method
* IsGreater( ) method
* IsGreaterOrEqual( ) method
* IsIndexed( ) method
* IsIndexed property
* IsInterface( ) method
* IsLess( ) method
* IsLessOrEqual( ) method
* IsNull( ) method (JsonArray)
* IsNull( ) method (JsonObject)
* IsOverride property
* IsSerializable( ) method
* IsStatic property
* Length property
* Load( ) method (Class)
* LocalAddress property
* LocalHost property
* LocalPort property
* LoginDenied property
* LoginLockout property
* MakeAvailable( ) method
* MaxDataGuess property
* MaxTries property
* Message property
* Method property
* MissingCredentials property
* Mode property
* MstrBlkId property
* Name property (BPM)
* Name property (Reflect)
* New( ) method
* NewRow property
* NextForm property
* NEXT-SIBLING property
* NoLOBs property
* Null property
* Number property
* NumHandlerParameters property
* NumMessages property
* NumParameters property (ParameterList)
* NumParameters property (Reflect)
* Object property
* OEClientType property
* OEMaintVersion property
* OEMajorVersion property
* OEMinorVersion property
* Offset property
* Open( ) method
* Or( ) method
* OriginatingClass property
* Package property
* Parse( ) method
* ParseFile( ) method
* PasswordExpired property
* PathInfo property
* Performer property
* PermissionDenied property
* Position property (BindingSource)
* Position property (Parameter)
* PrevForm property
* PREV-SIBLING property
* Priority property (Progress.BPM.Process)
* Priority property (Progress.BPM.Task)
* ProcedureName property
* ProcessName property
* ProcessTemplateName property (Progress.BPM.DataSlotTemplate)
* ProcessTemplateName property (Progress.BPM.Task)
* ProWinHandle property
* Publish( ) method
* RawMessageBody property
* Read( ) method (FileInputStream)
* Read( ) method (InputStream)
* Read( ) method (JsonArray)
* Read( ) method (JsonObject)
* ReadOnly property
* Reassign( ) method
* Refresh( ) method (Progress.Data.BindingSource)
* RefreshAll( ) method
* RelationshipOperator property
* RemoteAddress property
* RemoteHost property
* RemotePort property
* RemoteUser property
* Remove( ) method (JsonArray)
* Remove( ) method (JsonObject)
* RemoveMessage( ) method
* RequestId property
* ResolvedTransportPath property
* ReturnExtent property
* ReturnType property
* ReturnTypeName property
* ReturnValue property
* RowModified property
* RowsAdded property
* Serialize( ) method (BinarySerializer)
* Serialize( ) method (JsonSerializer)
* ServerSoftware property
* SessionId property (UserSession)
* SessionId property (OERequestInfo)
* Set( ) method (JsonArray)
* Set( ) method (JsonObject)
* Set( ) method (Reflect)
* SetClientPrincipal( ) method
* SetFields( ) method
* SetFlag( ) method
* SetHeader( ) method
* SetNull( ) method (JsonArray)
* SetNull( ) method (JsonObject)
* SetNumber( ) method (JsonArray)
* SetNumber( ) method (JsonObject)
* SetParameter( ) method (Class)
* SetPropertyValue( ) method
* SetterAccessMode property
* Severity property
* SkipBytes( ) method (FileInputStream)
* SkipBytes( ) method (InputStream)
* SoapFault property
* Sorted property
* StartProcess( ) method
* StatBaseId property
* Status property
* String property
* Subscribe( ) method
* Success property
* Subtract( ) method
* SuperClass property
* TableName property
* TableSchema property
* TableStatId property
* Tag property (Progress.Data.BindingSource)
* TempTableCount property
* TempTablePeak property
* ThreadId property
* TimeStarted property
* ToggleFlag( ) method
* ToObject( ) method
* ToString( ) method (Object)
* ToString( ) method (Reflect)
* TransferEncoding property
* TransId property
* TransportPath property
* TypeName property
* UnknownUser property
* UnsetFlag( ) method
* Unsubscribe( ) method
* UpdateDataSlots( ) method
* URI property
* User property
* UserIndexStatId property
* UserIOId property
* UserTableStatId property
* Value property
* Version property
* VersionInfo property
* WebAppPath property
* Write( ) method (FileOutputStream)
* Write( ) method (JsonArray)
* Write( ) method (JsonConstruct)
* Write( ) method (JsonObject)
* Write( ) method (OutputStream)
* Write( ) method (WebResponseWriter)
* WriteFile( ) method (JsonArray)
* WriteFile( ) method (JsonConstruct)
* WriteFile( ) method (JsonObject)
* WriteOnly property
* WriteStream( ) method (JsonArray)
* WriteStream( ) method (JsonConstruct)
* WriteStream( ) method (JsonObject)
* Xor( ) method