Sets an element of the JsonArray to the specified value. This method is useful in situations where none of the ABL numeric data types can be used to hold a JSON numeric value. On successful execution, this method returns TRUE.
SetNumber( INPUT index AS INTEGER,
An INTEGER that identifies the element in the array to change. Indexing into JsonArrays is 1-based.
A JsonError is raised if index is less than 1, is greater than the length of the JsonArray, or is the Unknown value (?).
A CHARACTER expression representing a numeric value to which the new property is to be set. The value should match the pattern for valid JSON number values. These may be integers ([-]dddd), decimals ([-]ddd.ddd), or scientific notation ([-]ddd[.ddd]e[+|-]ddd). If value is the Unknown value (?), the element is set to the JSON null value. If the value is not a valid JSON number value or is an empty string (""), a JsonError is raised.