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Startup Command and Parameter Reference
Startup Parameter Descriptions

Startup Parameter Descriptions

This chapter provides a detailed reference description for each of the OpenEdge startup parameters, organized in alphabetical order by syntax.
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, startup parameter syntax is the same for both UNIX and Windows.
* Single-user Mode (-1)
* AdminServer Group (-admingroup)
* AdminServer Port (-adminport)
* After-image File Management Archive Directory List (-aiarcdir)
* After-image File Management Archive Directory Create (-aiarcdircreate)
* After-image File Management Archive Interval (-aiarcinterval)
* After-image Buffers (-aibufs)
* After-image Stall (-aistall)
* Area consistency check (-AreaCheck)
* Assemblies (-assemblies)
* Async Queue Size (-asyncqueuesize)
* Blocks in Database Buffers (-B)
* Blocks in Alternate Buffer Pool (-B2)
* Batch (-b)
* ADE R-code Location (-baseADE)
* Base Index (-baseindex)
* Registry Base Key (-basekey)
* Base Table (-basetable)
* Base user index (-baseuserindex)
* Base user table (-baseusertable)
* Before-image Buffers (-bibufs)
* Threshold Stall (-bistall)
* Recovery Log Threshold (-bithold)
* Private Read-only Buffers (-Bp)
* Maximum Private Buffers per Connection (-Bpmax)
* Bleeding Record Lock (-brl)
* Browse Column Type (-browcoltype)
* Number of Buffers for Temporary Tables (-Bt)
* Index Cursors (-c)
* Schema Cache File (-cache)
* Catch STOP (-catchStop)
* Certificate store path (-certstorepath)
* Check Double-byte Enabled (-checkdbe)
* Check Width (-checkwidth)
* SQL Server Java Classpath (-classpath)
* Clear Log (-clearlog)
* Client Logging (-clientlog)
* Cluster Mode (-cluster)
* Combo-box Font (-combofont)
* Compiler Options File (-compileroptionsfile)
* Conversion Map (-convmap)
* Communications Parameter File (-cp)
* Case Table (-cpcase)
* Collation Table (-cpcoll)
* Internal Code Page (-cpinternal)
* Log File Code Page (-cplog)
* Print Code Page (-cpprint)
* R-code in Code Page (-cprcodein)
* R-code Out Code Page (-cprcodeout)
* Stream Code Page (-cpstream)
* Terminal Code Page (-cpterm)
* Crash Recovery Status (-crStatus)
* Crash Recovery Transaction Display (-crTXDisplay)
* Cursor Size (-cs)
* Connection Retry Attempts (-ct)
* Compile Warning List (-cwl)
* Directory Size (-D)
* Date Format (-d)
* DataService (-DataService)
* Physical Database Name (-db)
* Database consistency check (-DbCheck)
* Debugger (-debug)
* Debug Alert (-debugalert)
* Enable Attachable Debugging (-debugReady)
* Default scrolling (-defaultscrolling)
* Disable Delete Trigger (-disabledeltrig)
* Dictionary Expressions (-dictexps)
* Direct I/O (-directio)
* Domain (-domain)
* DataServer Logging (-dslog)
* Maximum Dynamic DataServer Port (-dsmaxport)
* Minimum Dynamic DataServer (-dsminport)
* DataServer (-Dsrv)
* Database Type (-dt)
* European Numeric Format (-E)
* Enforce Mm (-enforceMm)
* Entity Expansion Limit (-entityExpansionLimit)
* Error Stack (-errorstack)
* Event Level (-evtlevel)
* Expand Browse (-expandbrow)
* Force Access (-F)
* Schema Field Cache Size (-fc)
* Filtering Asynchronous COM Events (-filterocxevents)
* Field List Disable (-fldisable)
* Before-image Truncate Interval (-G)
* Group Delay (-groupdelay)
* Host Name (-H)
* Number of Databases (-h)
* Hardlimit (-hardlimit)
* Hash Table Entries (-hash)
* No Crash Protection (-i)
* Dynamics Parameter (-icfparam)
* Index consistency check (-IndexCheck)
* Index Range Size (-indexrangesize)
* Initialization File (-ininame)
* Input Characters (-inp)
* Internet Protocol (-ipver)
* Initial Value Segment No Convert (-isnoconv)
* Keyword Forget List (-k)
* Key Alias (-keyalias)
* Key Alias Password (-keyaliaspasswd)
* Key store path (-keystorepath)
* Lock Table Entries (-L)
* Local Buffer Size (-l)
* Logical Database Name (-ld)
* Lock Governor (-LGovernor)
* Literal Question (-literalquestion)
* Lock Table Hash Size (-lkhash)
* Lock release (-lkrela)
* Lock Timeout (-lkwtmo)
* Language (-lng)
* Log Entry Types (-logentrytypes)
* Logging Level (-logginglevel)
* Log Threshold (-logthreshold)
* LRU force skips (-lruskips)
* LRU alternate buffer pool force skips (-lru2skips)
* Auto Server (-m1)
* Manual Server (-m2)
* Secondary Login Broker (-m3)
* Maximum Clients Per Server (-Ma)
* Maximum Area Number (-maxAreas)
* Maximum Dynamic Server (-maxport)
* Maximum JTA Transactions (-maxxids)
* Network Message Compression (-mc)
* Memory consistency check (-MemCheck)
* Delayed BI File Write (-Mf)
* Minimum Clients per Server (-Mi)
* Minimum Dynamic Server (-minport)
* Message Buffer Size (-Mm)
* Maximum Memory (-mmax)
* Maximum Servers (-Mn)
* Servers Per Protocol (-Mp)
* Maximum Servers Per Broker (-Mpb)
* Record Buffer Size (-Mr)
* User MUX Latches (-mux)
* Shared-memory Overflow Size (-Mxs)
* Number of Users (-n)
* Nap Time Increment (-napinc)
* Nap Maximum (-napmax)
* Nap Time Steps (-napstep)
* Nested Blocks (-nb)
* Login Governor (-nGovernor)
* No Lock (-NL)
* Message Wait (-Nmsgwait)
* No Auto Result-list (-noautoreslist)
* No Domain Support With the CAN-DO Function (-nocandodomain)
* No Check Temp-table Names (-nochkttnames)
* No Common Language Runtime (-noclr)
* No Colons for Side Labels (-nocolon)
* No Dialog Dispose (-nodialogdispose)
* No Evaluation of Properties (-noevalprops)
* No Garbage Collection (-nogc)
* No Host Verify (-nohostverify)
* No Inactive Indexes (-noinactiveidx)
* No Auto-Increment Warnings (-noincrwarn)
* Index Hint (-noindexhint)
* No INT64 (-noint64)
* Server Join (-nojoinbysqldb)
* No routine in WHERE Clause (-noroutineinwhere)
* No Session Cache (-nosessioncache)
* No Session Reuse (-nosessionreuse)
* SELECT Pass Through Disable (-noSQLbyserver)
* No UDF in WHERE Clause (-noudfinwhere)
* Number of checkpoint statistics (-numcheckpointstats)
* Fractional Separator (-numdec)
* Number of Log Files to Keep (-numlogfiles)
* Thousands Separator (-numsep)
* Printer (-o)
* Outer-join Mode (-ojmode)
* Storage Object Cache Size (-omsize)
* OS User (-OSUser)
* Password (-P)
* Startup Procedure (-p)
* Parameter (-param)
* Prompt for Passphrase (-Passphrase)
* Pending Connection Time (-PendConnTime)
* Parameter File (-pf)
* Database Service Communication Area Size (-pica)
* Pin Shared Memory (-pinshm)
* PROLIB Memory (-plm)
* PROLIB Swap (-pls)
* Fast Schema Change (-populate)
* Prefetch delay (-prefetchDelay)
* Prefetch factor (-prefetchFactor)
* Prefetch Num Recs (-prefetchNumRecs)
* Prefetch Priority (-prefetchPriority)
* Preload CLR (-preloadCLR)
* Configuration Properties File (-properties)
* Proxy Host (-proxyhost)
* Proxy Password (-proxyPassword)
* Proxy Port (-proxyport)
* Proxy Userid (-proxyUserid)
* Quick Request (-q)
* Non-reliable I/O (-r)
* Alternate Random Number Generator (-rand)
* Record free chain search depth factor (-recspacesearchdepth)
* Require Username (-requireusername)
* Reread Fields (-rereadfields)
* Reread Nolock (-rereadnolock)
* Re-usable Objects Cache (-reusableObjects)
* Run ABL Client (-rg)
* Read-only Media (-RO)
* Run Query Client (-rq)
* Run Run-time Client (-rr)
* Encrypted Compiler Mode (-rx)
* Service Name (-S)
* Stack Size (-s)
* Schema Lock Wait Queue (-schlockwq)
* Screen-value Mode (-scrvalmode)
* Security cache size (-secsize)
* Semaphore Sets (-semsets)
* Server Group (-servergroup)
* Type of Server to Start (-ServerType)
* Session Timeout (-sessiontimeout)
* Shared memory segment size (-shmsegsize)
* Show PPU Error (-showppuerr)
* Spin Lock Retries (-spin)
* SQL Open Cursors (-SQLCursors)
* Lock Wait Timeout (-SQLLockwaitTimeout)
* SQL rowid identifier(-SQLQuotedRowid)
* SQL Stack Size (-SQLStack)
* SQL Statement Cache Size (-SQLStmtCache)
* SQL Sorting Memory (-SQLTempBuff)
* Authorized Data Truncation(-SQLTruncateToolarge)
* Autonomous Schema Update (-SQLWidthUpdate)
* SSL-based Connection (-ssl)
* Strict Entity Resolution (-strictEntityResolution)
* Stash Area (-stsh)
* Suppress Warnings (-sw)
* Suppress Warnings List (-swl)
* Temporary Directory (-T)
* Save Temp Files (-t)
* Table consistency check (-TableCheck)
* Table Range Size (-tablerangesize)
* Speed Sort (-TB)
* Time Stamp (-tstamp)
* Temp-table Schema Marshal (-ttmarshal)
* Merge Number (-TM)
* Temporary Table Database Block Size (-tmpbsize)
* Token (-tok)
* Trigger Location (-trig)
* Temp-Table Base Index (-ttbaseindex)
* Temp-Table Base Table (-ttbasetable)
* Temp-table Index Range Size (-ttindexrangesize)
* Temp-Table Table Range Size (-tttablerangesize)
* Transaction End (TXE) Lock Retry Limit (-TXERetryLimit)
* UNDO, THROW Error Handling (-undothrow)
* User ID (-U)
* Use OS Locale (-useOsLocale)
* User index range (-userindexrangesize)
* User table range (-usertablerangesize)
* Database Client Notification (-usernotifytime)
* Use SESSION:TIMEZONE (-useSessionTZ)
* Use Widget ID (-usewidgetid)
* Version 6 Colon (-v6colon)
* Version 6 Query (-v6q)
* Windows Passthrough Printing (-Wa -wpp)
* Windows Single Session (-wss)
* Windows Exit - No Dialog (-wy)
* Statistics (-y)
* Statistics with CTRL+C (-yc)
* Segment Statistics (-yd)
* Four Digit Year Default (-yr4def)
* Statistics With Cross-reference (-yx)
* Century Year Offset (-yy)