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Startup Command and Parameter Reference
Startup Parameter Descriptions : Compiler Options File (-compileroptionsfile)

Compiler Options File (-compileroptionsfile)

Use Compiler Options File (-compileroptionsfile) to enforce one or more rules during compilation.
Operating system and syntax
UNIX / Windows
-compileroptionsfile filename
Use with
Maximum value
Minimum value
Single-user default
Multi-user default
Client Session
The pathname of a file containing a comma-separated list of options. The pathname can be absolute or relative to PROPATH.
The options specified in the file are rules that are enforced during compilation. The following table describes the options available.
All table and field names must appear as they are in the schema. The compiler’s ability to implicitly resolve abbreviated names in tables is disabled.
All buffer references (including database tables, temp-tables, and buffers) must be fully qualified. The compiler's ability to implicitly resolve the buffer to which a field reference refers is disabled.
All language keywords must be fully spelled out.
The options file can contain comments. Anything between a hashtag (#) and an end of line is treated as a comment.
# List of compiler options
require-full-names, # This is also a comment
If the contents of the file resolve to the empty string ("") or white space only, then no options will be applied. If an option listed is not valid, the session will fail to start.
This startup parameter initializes the value of the OPTIONS attribute of the COMPILER handle with the contents of its target file. You can use the OPTIONS or OPTIONS-FILE phrase in the COMPILE statement to override any options set with -compileroptionsfile. See the COMPILE statement in OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference for more information.