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Startup Command and Parameter Reference
Startup Parameter Descriptions : Use Widget ID (-usewidgetid)

Use Widget ID (-usewidgetid)

Use the Use Widget ID (-usewidgetid) startup parameter to enable application-defined widget IDs for ABL widgets defined in your OpenEdge GUI application.
Operating system and syntax
Use with
Maximum value
Minimum value
Single-user default
Multi-user default
Client Session
Specifying application-defined widget IDs for ABL widgets defined in your OpenEdge GUI application allows you to identify those widgets at runtime while testing your application with a third-party automated test tool. When specified, the AVM uses any application-defined widget IDs when creating the widgets at runtime, instead of using the widget IDs it normally generates by default. The widget ID value of any given widget remains the same across OpenEdge sessions, unless you purposely change the value using the WIDGET-ID attribute for that widget. This allows a third-party automated test tool to identify the same widget consistently each time you run the tool with your application.
For more information about specifying application-defined widget IDs using the WIDGET-ID attribute with ABL widgets, see OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference. For more information about using application-defined widget IDs when testing OpenEdge GUI applications with third-party automated test tools, see OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces.