Use Maximum Private Buffers per Connection (-Bpmax) parameter to control the number of private buffers a connection can request through the private read-only buffers (-Bp) parameter.
Operating system and syntax
UNIX / Windows
Use with
Maximum value
Minimum value
Single-user default
Multi-user default
Database Server
25% of -B
An INTEGER specifying the maximum number of private buffers.
The number of blocks in the database buffers is controlled by the blocks in database buffers (-B) parameter. Up to 25% of the blocks created may be allocated for use as private buffers. When a client connects to an OpenEdge database, the connection requests -Bpn private buffers. Prior to 9.1C, the maximum value of -Bp was 64. With the -Bpmax parameter, the broker may override this limit by allowing the value of -Bp to be up to 25% of -B.
Note: Each use of a private read-only buffer reduces the number of public buffers. The total number of private buffers for all simultaneous users is limited to 25% of the total blocks in database buffers.