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Startup Command and Parameter Reference
Startup Parameter Descriptions : Default scrolling (-defaultscrolling)

Default scrolling (-defaultscrolling)

Apply the SCROLLING option to all DEFINE QUERY STATIC statements in order to create client-side result lists. This option improves performance when query results are received over a network. However, performance is reduced if there is no networking.
Operating system and syntax
UNIX / Windows
Use with
Maximum value
Minimum value
Single-user default
Multi-user default
Client Session
When the SCROLLING option is enabled for DEFINE QUERY STATIC statements, the server can pack multiple records in a single network message. This is known as prefetching. Prefetching allows for repositioning to other records in the result set on the client side rather than on the server side. Therefore, prefetching can significantly reduce network traffic.
*Source code is not recompiled when you use the -defaultscrolling startup parameter.
*If there is a sort or preselect operation, the -defaultscrolling startup parameter only affects the presort pass, when the rowids and sort fields are collected.
*The -noautoreslist startup parameter conflicts with -defaultscrolling. If both parameters are specified, a runtime error results.