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Startup Command and Parameter Reference
Startup Parameter Descriptions : Pending Connection Time (-PendConnTime)

Pending Connection Time (-PendConnTime)

Use Pending Connection Time (-PendConnTime) to prevent connection errors caused by network problems.
Operating system and syntax
UNIX / Windows
-PendConnTime n
Use with
Maximum value
Minimum value
Single-user default
Multi-user default
Database Server
Time, in seconds, allowed the client to connect to a server.
When a client attempts to connect to an OpenEdge database, the RDBMS assumes that if the client can reach the broker, it can also reach the server. Network problems or incorrect configuration of network devices can prevent the client from reaching the server. In such an instance, the broker, unaware that the client's connection failed, continues to increment its count of connected users. To prevent this problem, OpenEdge brokers use a "reservation" count on each server and they increment this count whenever they redirect a client to that server.
When -PendConnTime is used, the servers examine the timestamp on the latest reservation and, if the Pending Connection Time period has elapsed, the broker assumes that the client has failed to connect. The broker then clears the reservation, making the server available for new clients.