Introducing the Progress Application Server
What is the Progress Application Server?
Progress Application Server directories
Progress Application Server properties
Configuration files
Containers and connectors
CATALINA environment variables
Web applications
The ROOT application
Manager and Host Manager applications
Clusters and load balancing
Progress Application Server Administration
Administrative scripts
Administrative utilities
JMX and JConsole
Startup and shutdown sequences when using TCMAN
Working with instances
Creating instances with TCMAN
Instance management with TCMAN
Installing and running an instance as a Windows service
Installing and running an instance as a UNIX daemon
Tomcat logging
Updating the core Tomcat server in Progress Application Server
Core Progress Application Server security
Progress Application Server production server customizations
HTTPS support
JVM security manager
The Spring Security Framework
Realms and roles
Managing users and roles for Manager and Host Manager applications
Remote access filters
Progress Application Server Web Applications
Web application management with TCMAN
Deploying web applications
Deploying web applications in a common directory
Packaging web applications
TCMAN Reference
The tcman command
Extending TCMAN
Manager actions
List deployed applications (list)
Display OS and server information (info)
Deploy a Web application (deploy)
Undeploy a Web application (undeploy)
Reload a Web application (reload)
Display detailed server status (status)
Display memory leaks (leaks)
Start a Web application (enable)
Stop a Web application (disable)
Display global server resources (resources)
Display Web application HTTP sessions (sessions)
Server actions
Create an instance (create)
Delete an instance (delete)
Display and manage an instance's configuration (config)
Display or modify the server features of an instance (feature)
Clean up or archive server log files (clean)
Display server instances (instances)
List process ids (plist)
Register an instance for tracking (register)
Register and manage an instance as a Windows service (service)
Show Windows process information (showproc)
Start an instance (start)
Stop an instance (stop)
Display server, OS, and runtime version information (version)
Test a server configuration (test)
Stop tracking an instance (unregister)
Create a Tomcat worker configuration file (workers)
General actions
Display help (help)
Display runtime environment information (env)
Introducing the Progress Application Server