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Progress Application Server Administration : Updating the core Tomcat server in Progress Application Server

Updating the core Tomcat server in Progress Application Server

To update the core Tomcat server in Progress Application Server, install a newer release or service pack of a Progress PAS product. Although a Progress update may not contain the very latest version of Tomcat, you will install the latest version of Tomcat that has been tested for backward compatibility and support of Progress Web applications.
Also, if you attempt to replace the core Tomcat server by downloading from the Apache Web site, will loose the Progress-specific tailoring and customizations that are in the core PAS server.
Note: Updating the core Tomcat server is easier from an administrative standpoint, when you deploy Web applications to instances of the server rather than to the core Tomcat server itself. Using instances eliminates the need to redeploy Web applications whenever there is a server update. Also, it is easier to back out of a problematic core server update when you deploy your Web applications to instances.