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Progress Application Server Administration : Administrative utilities : JMX and JConsole

JMX and JConsole

The Progress Application Server supports the use of The Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology, which facilitates dynamic access to applications and other resources. This access is accomplished through the use of Java objects called Managed Beans, or MBeans. One or more MBeans instrument a resource through the use of the MBean's attributes, actions (defined as methods), and notifications. For more detailed information on JMX and MBeans, see the Java documentation at
JConsole, which is an application included with Java, can be used to monitor and manage MBeans. JConsole can be used for development and debugging, but you should not use JConsole on a local production server because JConsole itself uses significant resources. Using JConsole with a remote connection avoids this problem, although this usage requires more attention to security.