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Progress Application Server Web Applications : Deploying web applications

Deploying web applications

You can deploy web applications to a Progress Application Server using standard Tomcat tools for deployment. Yo can also configure the Progress Application Server to autodeploy web applications or deploy web applications manually using the TCMAN utility. However, autodeploying web applications is the less secure option.
To set PAS to autodeploy a web application:
1. Place the .war file for the web application in the directory specified in the server's property. (Properties can be edited using a text editor, but it is safer to use TCMAN's config command to configure properties.)
2. Make sure the server's property is set to true. (PAS also has a property called, but setting that property to true means that .war files are automatically extracted but not deployed.)
3. PAS will periodically check for updated or new .war files while running and autodeploy those web applications found.
You can also use the TCMAN utility to deploy a web application whether the server is running (online) or is not running (offline). TCMAN copies the web application to the server’s web application directory. If the server is online, you must stop and restart it in order to complete the deployment.

Syntax deploy [general_options] [-u user_id:password] [-a app _name] war_file_path


Specify one or more of the general TCMAN options. Run help deploy to see which general options are appropriate.
-u user_id:password
Specify a valid user name and password (for the PAS Manager application) for HTTP Basic access authentication.
Note: This option is required if the server in online. It is not required if the server is offline.
-a app _name
Specify a name for the web application. If you do not use this option, the application name will be the same as the .war file name. Web application names should not include the following symbols: \ “ ‘ * ; | ? [ ] ( ) ! { } < > @ + = : ~
Specify the location of the web application .war file that you want to deploy.
In this section: 
* Deploying web applications in a common directory