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Progress Application Server Administration : Administrative utilities : TCMAN


The Progress Application Server implements the TCMAN command line utility as an interface to administrative functionality provided by core Tomcat scripts. You will find extended administrative functionality that is easier to find and to use if you run TCMAN rather than running the Tomcat scripts directly.


The general for the TCMAN command is:
{$CATALINA_HOME|$CATALINA_BASE}/bin/tcman{.sh|.bat} action  [general_options] [action_options ]


Specify whether to run TCMAN from the root directory of the installed Progress Application Server ($CATALINA_HOME) or from the root directory of an instance ( $CATALINA_BASE). The context of where you run TCMAN (whether from the /bin directory of the parent, or the /bin directory of an instance) affects which server the utility acts on.
TCMAN automatically determines the value of CATALINA_BASE from the directory where you start it. When you run it from the /bin directory of an instance, the value of CATALINA_BASE is the root directory of the instance. If you run it from the /bin directory of the installed Progress Application Server, the value of CATALINA_BASE is the root directory of the installed server (which is the same value as CATALINA_HOME)
Specify which TCMAN action to invoke.
Specify one or more of the TCMAN common options that can apply to most actions. .
The output of help action includes a list of general options that are applicable to a particular action.
Specify an option that applies to the selected action. These options are explained in the topics that describe each action.