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Introducing the Progress Application Server : Configuration files

Configuration files

The following table lists the core PAS configuration files that are located in the Progress Application Server's /conf directory. Where noted, standard Tomcat configuration files were extended to support configuration of the Progress Application Server.
Note: Although these files can be edited in a text editor, it is always safer to use a utility like config to set, add, or remove properties.
Table 4. Progress Application Server properties files
An added Progress properties file that sets custom Progress Application Server properties. It is called on startup by conf/server.xml and is also used by Progress web applications.
A standard Tomcat properties file that was extended to access common shared libraries and to supply external Java properties used by server.xml.
A standard properties file that sets JVM options for the Java Virtual Machine that a PAS instance runs in.
Note: You cannot use config to modify this file.
A standard Tomcat configuration file that was tailored for the Progress Application Server to use Java system properties that are defined externally configured in the and the appserver.properites files.
Standard Tomcat configuration files that contain defaults common to all the Web applications deployed in the server.