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TCMAN Reference : Manager actions : Display Web application HTTP sessions (sessions)

Display Web application HTTP sessions (sessions)


Display how many sessions are active for the specified Web application, categorized by their duration.
To use this action, the Tomcat manager (manager.war ) must be deployed on the instance and the instance must be running. You can deploy manager.war from $CATALINA_HOME/extras.

Syntax sessions [general_options] -u user_id:password app_name


Specify one or more of the options that can be used with any TCMAN action.
-u user_id:password
Specify a valid user name and password for HTTP Basic access authentication. (The default is -u tomcat:tomcat.)
Specify the name of the web application to analyze for session information.


Show the active sessions for the manager application deployed on the acme1 instance:
/psc/acme1/bin/ sessions -u tomcat:tomcat manager
OK - Session information for application at context path /manager
Default maximum session inactive interval 30 minutes
<1 minutes: 1 sessions
8 - <9 minutes: 2 sessions
9 - <10 minutes: 1 sessions