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Web Services
Developing a Java Client to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Developing the Axis client application

Developing the Axis client application

Once you have generated the client interface classes for the Web service, some typical tasks for developing a Java Axis client include:
*Setting up the Web service objects
*Using the sample PscObjectIDHandler and HandlerControlBlock classes
*Setting up the PscObjectIDHandler objects
*Connecting to a Web service
*Running a non-persistent (external) procedure
*Creating server-side context for a ProcObject (running a persistent procedure)
*Running an internal procedure or user-defined function
*Running an internal procedure with a TABLE parameter
*Processing the data from a TABLE parameter
*Running a procedure with a TABLE-HANDLE parameter
*Using sample helper classes to manage TABLE-HANDLE parameters
*Preparing schema and data for input TABLE-HANDLE parameters
*Processing schema and data for output TABLE-HANDLE parameters
*Releasing an object
*Handling errors on the client
Note: For more information on the concepts and procedures underlying these tasks, see , "Creating OpenEdge REST Web Services."
OpenEdge comes installed with complete sample client applications that access OpenEdge Web services. For more information, see Sample SOAP Web service applications.
* Setting up the Web service objects
* Using the sample PscObjectIDHandler and HandlerControlBlock classes
* Setting up the PscObjectIDHandler objects
* Connecting to a Web service
* Running a non-persistent (external) procedure
* Creating server-side context for a ProcObject (running a persistent procedure)
* Running an internal procedure or user-defined function
* Running an internal procedure with a TABLE parameter
* Processing the data from a TABLE parameter
* Running a procedure with a TABLE-HANDLE parameter
* Using sample helper classes to manage TABLE-HANDLE parameters
* Preparing schema and data for input TABLE-HANDLE parameters
* Processing schema and data for output TABLE-HANDLE parameters
* Releasing an object
* Handling errors on the client
* Compiling and running the client application