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Developing a Java Client to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Developing the Axis client application : Processing the data from a TABLE parameter

Processing the data from a TABLE parameter

This example shows how you might process data from a TABLE parameter:
// Loop through the rows and print some of the column values

OrderDetailsRow[] rows = (OrderDetailsRow[]) orderDetailsHolder.value;

// Print out some labels
System.out.println("Customer's Order Details listed below:"); System.out.println("Order# " + "Order Status " + "Total Dollars");

// Now print out all the rows
for (int j = 0; j < rows.length; j++)
   OrderDetailsRow thisRow = rows[j];
   System.out.println(thisRow.getOrderNum( ) +
                      thisRow.getOrderStatus( ) +
                      thisRow.getTotalDollars( ));