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Developing a Java Client to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Developing the Axis client application : Releasing an object

Releasing an object

You can manage the object IDs of the two objects about to be released by using the object ID handler (PscObjectIDHandler), as shown here.
To release the CustomerOrder ProcObject and the OrderInfo AppObject:
1. Release the logical connection. For example, to release the CustomerOrder ProcObject, call this method:
custOrder.release_CustomerOrder( );
2. Remove (release) the ProcObject ID from the object ID handler, so this ProcObject ID cannot be used again, as shown:
3. Release the logical connection for the OrderInfo AppObject, as shown:
orderInfo.release_OrderInfo( );
4. Remove (release) the AppObject ID from the object ID handler, so this AppObject ID cannot be used again. For example: