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Web Services
Developing a Java Client to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Developing the Axis client application : Setting up the Web service objects

Setting up the Web service objects

To set up the session-managed Web service objects for your client:
1. Create the Web service locator. For the sample, you generate the OrderInfo client's service object that manages the connection with the WSA:
OrderInfoService service = new OrderInfoServiceLocator( );
2. Instantiate the client objects that do the marshalling and unmarshalling of SOAP and HTTP messages for methods on the OrderInfo object. For example, you might execute the following method for the sample:
OrderInfoObjStub   orderInfo =
3. Instantiate the client objects that do the marshalling and unmarshalling of SOAP and HTTP messages for methods on the CustomerOrder object. For example you might execute the following method for the sample:
CustomerOrderObjStub    custOrder =