Sonic ESB API | ||||||||
Interface Summary | |
XQAccessor | Implementations of the XQAccessor interface provide the ability to extract data from named targets from within the service. |
XQAccessorFactory | The XQAccessorFactory is used to create XQAccessor
objects. |
XQAddress | Implementations of the XQAddress interface represent addresses used by SonicXQ. |
XQAddressFactory | The XQAddressFactory is used to create XQAddress
objects. |
XQCloneable | The XQCloneable interface is implemented by many XQ classes, and indicates that the class provides a method to provide a field- by-field copy of instances of that class. |
XQConstants | |
XQContext | An XQContext provides access to all the
information needed by a service when it is initializing. |
XQDisableLookingGlass | Marker interface that disables the instrumentation of an XQ service in LG. |
XQDispatch | An XQDispatch provides access to all the
Service extensions methods needed for asynchronous dispatch by a service. |
XQEndpoint | An XQEndpoint is a logical destination that is used to link Business Services. |
XQEndpointManager | The XQEndpointManager creates and manages access to XQEndpoints used by an ESB Service. |
XQEnvelope | An XQEnvelope combines an XQMessage along w/
a set of XQAddress es to which this message should be sent. |
XQEnvelopeFactory | An XQEnvelopeFactory is used to create XQEnvelope s. |
XQErrorCodes | Error Codes returned by the XQ Service Framework |
XQFaultProcessContext | An XQFaultProcessContext provides process-related information to
a service that is executing in a fault handler process. |
XQFaultProcessContinuation | Process continuation for fault handler processes. |
XQHeader | The XQHeader stores name/value pairs to represent header objects associated with a message part. |
XQInitContext | An XQInitContext provides access to all the
information needed by a service when it is initializing. |
XQInvocationContext | |
XQLifeCycleManager | This is the interface exposed to ESB services to perform life cycle operations on ESB Container and Services. |
XQLog | The XQLog provides users with the ability to write to the
container log file at runtime. |
XQMessage | The XQMessage is a message that has a header and can contain zero or more Parts. |
XQMessageFactory | The XQMessageFactory is used for creating implementations of XQMessages. |
XQMitigationContext | Interface for accessing information supplied to an XQ environment through an external source, such as Actional. |
XQParameterInfo | XQParameterInfo objects are individual parameters within an XQParameters instance. |
XQParameters | XQParameters provide a generic mechanism for adding name, value like information to other XQ components such as Services, Endpoints and Connections. |
XQPart | The XQPart is a part of a XQMessage. |
XQProcessAddress | The XQProcessAddress allows a user to send to and modify the properties
of a SonicXQ business process for a particular message. |
XQProcessContext | An XQProcessContext provides process-related information to
a service when it is performing its per-message processing. |
XQProcessContinuation | Using Process continuations a user can interrupt a process flow and then continue it at a later time, potentially from a different location (thread/ container), without losing any of the process context. |
XQProcessContinuationHandler | Implement this interface to save and retrieve process continuation objects from the appropriate data source. |
XQRuntimeProcess | |
XQService | XQService provides the basic interface between the SonicXQ
framework and a service. |
XQServiceContext | An XQServiceContext provides all the information needed by
a service when it is performing its per-message processing. |
XQServiceEx | XQServiceEx extends the basic interface between the SonicXQ
framework and a service, XQService . |
Class Summary | |
XQQualityofService | |
XQState | This class represents the states during the life cycle of an ESB container and ESB service. |
Enum Summary | |
XQProcessContinuation.Level | Denotes the level for the continuation. |
Exception Summary | |
XQAccessorException | This Exception is thrown when there is a problem with a XQAccessor |
XQAddressNotFoundException | The XQAddressNotFoundException exception is thrown when
the specified address does not reference a known entity. |
XQContentTypeException | A XQContentTypeException is a specific form of
XQMessageException . |
XQDispatchException | |
XQEndpointCreationException | This exception is thrown when the creation of an XQEndpoint failed. |
XQEndpointException | This exception is thrown when an XQEndpoint operation failed. |
XQEndpointNotFoundException | This exception is thrown when the lookup of an XQEndpoint failed. |
XQEndpointTimeoutException | This exception is thrown when an XQEndpoint operation times out. |
XQException | This is the root class of all SonicXQ API exceptions. |
XQMessageException | A standard exception wrapper thrown by XQMessage and XQMessageFactory. |
XQServiceException | A standard exception wrapper thrown by XQService. |
Sonic ESB API.
Sonic ESB API | ||||||||