Package com.sonicsw.xq

Sonic ESB API.


Interface Summary
XQAccessor Implementations of the XQAccessor interface provide the ability to extract data from named targets from within the service.
XQAccessorFactory The XQAccessorFactory is used to create XQAccessor objects.
XQAddress Implementations of the XQAddress interface represent addresses used by SonicXQ.
XQAddressFactory The XQAddressFactory is used to create XQAddress objects.
XQCloneable The XQCloneable interface is implemented by many XQ classes, and indicates that the class provides a method to provide a field- by-field copy of instances of that class.
XQContext An XQContext provides access to all the information needed by a service when it is initializing.
XQDisableLookingGlass Marker interface that disables the instrumentation of an XQ service in LG.
XQDispatch An XQDispatch provides access to all the Service extensions methods needed for asynchronous dispatch by a service.
XQEndpoint An XQEndpoint is a logical destination that is used to link Business Services.
XQEndpointManager The XQEndpointManager creates and manages access to XQEndpoints used by an ESB Service.
XQEnvelope An XQEnvelope combines an XQMessage along w/ a set of XQAddresses to which this message should be sent.
XQEnvelopeFactory An XQEnvelopeFactory is used to create XQEnvelopes.
XQErrorCodes Error Codes returned by the XQ Service Framework
XQFaultProcessContext An XQFaultProcessContext provides process-related information to a service that is executing in a fault handler process.
XQFaultProcessContinuation Process continuation for fault handler processes.
XQHeader The XQHeader stores name/value pairs to represent header objects associated with a message part.
XQInitContext An XQInitContext provides access to all the information needed by a service when it is initializing.
XQLifeCycleManager This is the interface exposed to ESB services to perform life cycle operations on ESB Container and Services.
XQLog The XQLog provides users with the ability to write to the container log file at runtime.
XQMessage The XQMessage is a message that has a header and can contain zero or more Parts.
XQMessageFactory The XQMessageFactory is used for creating implementations of XQMessages.
XQMitigationContext Interface for accessing information supplied to an XQ environment through an external source, such as Actional.
XQParameterInfo XQParameterInfo objects are individual parameters within an XQParameters instance.
XQParameters XQParameters provide a generic mechanism for adding name, value like information to other XQ components such as Services, Endpoints and Connections.
XQPart The XQPart is a part of a XQMessage.
XQProcessAddress The XQProcessAddress allows a user to send to and modify the properties of a SonicXQ business process for a particular message.
XQProcessContext An XQProcessContext provides process-related information to a service when it is performing its per-message processing.
XQProcessContinuation Using Process continuations a user can interrupt a process flow and then continue it at a later time, potentially from a different location (thread/ container), without losing any of the process context.
XQProcessContinuationHandler Implement this interface to save and retrieve process continuation objects from the appropriate data source.
XQService XQService provides the basic interface between the SonicXQ framework and a service.
XQServiceContext An XQServiceContext provides all the information needed by a service when it is performing its per-message processing.
XQServiceEx XQServiceEx extends the basic interface between the SonicXQ framework and a service, XQService.

Class Summary
XQState This class represents the states during the life cycle of an ESB container and ESB service.

Enum Summary
XQProcessContinuation.Level Denotes the level for the continuation.

Exception Summary
XQAccessorException This Exception is thrown when there is a problem with a XQAccessor
XQAddressNotFoundException The XQAddressNotFoundException exception is thrown when the specified address does not reference a known entity.
XQContentTypeException A XQContentTypeException is a specific form of XQMessageException.
XQEndpointCreationException This exception is thrown when the creation of an XQEndpoint failed.
XQEndpointException This exception is thrown when an XQEndpoint operation failed.
XQEndpointNotFoundException This exception is thrown when the lookup of an XQEndpoint failed.
XQEndpointTimeoutException This exception is thrown when an XQEndpoint operation times out.
XQException This is the root class of all SonicXQ API exceptions.
XQMessageException A standard exception wrapper thrown by XQMessage and XQMessageFactory.
XQServiceException A standard exception wrapper thrown by XQService.

Package com.sonicsw.xq Description

Sonic ESB API.


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