Interface XQParameters

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, XQCloneable

public interface XQParameters
extends XQCloneable

XQParameters provide a generic mechanism for adding name, value like information to other XQ components such as Services, Endpoints and Connections. The XQParameter uniquely identifies an entry by its name and its type where type is either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT. The value for each parameter is defined either inline or as a reference. The content for inline parameters is specified within the parameter. The content for reference parameters is specified as a URL to a resource stored either in the XQ Directory Service or at some external location. A parameter can be retrieved in either its string form or in its Object form. For example a XML parameter can be returned as either a String or as a DOM Element. Parameters can have a reference to a parent parameter object. If a parent is defined then queries to get parameters will be propagated to the parent instance if not found in this instance.

Method Summary
 boolean containsParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Check if the specified parameter exists.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,XQParameterInfo> getAllInfo()
          Get a Map of all parameters defined in this XQParameters object.
 java.util.Iterator<XQParameterInfo> getAllInfo(int type)
          Get a list of XQParameterInfo structures for all parameters of the specified type.
 boolean getBooleanParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get a parameter as a boolean based on its name and type.
 byte getByteParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get a parameter as a byte based on its name and type.
 double getDoubleParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get a parameter as a double based on its name and type.
 float getFloatParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get a parameter as a float based on its name and type.
 XQParameterInfo getInfo(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get the full information structure for the specified parameter.
 int getIntParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get a parameter as an int based on its name and type.
 long getLongParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get a parameter as a long based on its name and type.
 java.util.Iterator<java.lang.String> getNames(int type)
          Get a list of the parameter names that are defined of the specified type.
 java.lang.String getParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get a parameter as a String based on its name and type.
 java.lang.String getParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, java.lang.String defVal)
          Get a parameter as a String based on its name and type.
 java.lang.Object getParameterObject(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get a parameter as an Object based on its name and type.
 java.lang.Object getParameterObject(java.lang.String name, int type, java.lang.Object defVal)
          Get a parameter as an Object based on its name and type.
 XQParameters getParent()
          Get a reference to a parent XQParameter object.
 short getShortParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Get a parameter as a short based on its name and type.
 void removeAllParameters()
          removes all parameters from the map
 void removeParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
          removes a specified parameter from the map
 XQParameterInfo setBooleanParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, boolean value)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified boolean value.
 XQParameterInfo setByteParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, byte value)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified byte value.
 XQParameterInfo setDoubleParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, double value)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified double value.
 XQParameterInfo setFloatParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, float value)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified float value.
 XQParameterInfo setIntParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, int value)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified int value.
 XQParameterInfo setLongParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, long value)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified long value.
 XQParameterInfo setParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, java.lang.String value)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified String value.
 XQParameterInfo setParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, java.lang.String value, java.lang.String ref)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified String value and the specified reference.
 XQParameterInfo setParameterObject(java.lang.String name, int type, java.lang.Object value)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified Object value.
 XQParameterInfo setParameterObject(java.lang.String name, int type, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.String ref)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified Object value and the specified reference.
 void setParent(XQParameters parent)
          Set a reference to a parent XQParameter object.
 XQParameterInfo setShortParameter(java.lang.String name, int type, short value)
          Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified short value.
Methods inherited from interface com.sonicsw.xq.XQCloneable

Method Detail


java.lang.String getParameter(java.lang.String name,
                              int type)
Get a parameter as a String based on its name and type. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. Returns null if parameter is not defined.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the String value for this parameter or null if the parameter is not defined.


int getIntParameter(java.lang.String name,
                    int type)
                    throws XQServiceException
Get a parameter as an int based on its name and type. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. Throws an XQServiceException if parameter is not defined.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the int value for this parameter
XQServiceException - thrown if the parameter value is not defined or cannot be converted to an int


short getShortParameter(java.lang.String name,
                        int type)
                        throws XQServiceException
Get a parameter as a short based on its name and type. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. Throws an XQServiceException if parameter is not defined.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the short value for this parameter.
XQServiceException - thrown if the parameter value is not defined or cannot be converted to a short


long getLongParameter(java.lang.String name,
                      int type)
                      throws XQServiceException
Get a parameter as a long based on its name and type. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. Throws an XQServiceException if parameter is not defined.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the long value for this parameter.
XQServiceException - thrown if the parameter value is not defined or cannot be converted to a long


double getDoubleParameter(java.lang.String name,
                          int type)
                          throws XQServiceException
Get a parameter as a double based on its name and type. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. Throws an XQServiceException if parameter is not defined.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the double value for this parameter.
XQServiceException - thrown if the parameter value is not defined or cannot be converted to a double


float getFloatParameter(java.lang.String name,
                        int type)
                        throws XQServiceException
Get a parameter as a float based on its name and type. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. Throws an XQServiceException if parameter is not defined.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the float value for this parameter.
XQServiceException - thrown if the parameter value is not defined or cannot be converted to a float


byte getByteParameter(java.lang.String name,
                      int type)
                      throws XQServiceException
Get a parameter as a byte based on its name and type. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. Throws an XQServiceException if parameter is not defined.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the byte value for this parameter.
XQServiceException - thrown if the parameter value is not defined or cannot be converted to a byte


boolean getBooleanParameter(java.lang.String name,
                            int type)
                            throws XQServiceException
Get a parameter as a boolean based on its name and type. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. Returns false if parameter is not defined.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the boolean value for this parameter or false if the parameter is not defined.
XQServiceException - thrown if this parameter value cannot be converted to a boolean


java.lang.String getParameter(java.lang.String name,
                              int type,
                              java.lang.String defVal)
Get a parameter as a String based on its name and type. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. If the parameter is not found then the specified default value will be returned.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
defVal - a default value to return if not found
the String value for this parameter or the specified default value.


java.lang.Object getParameterObject(java.lang.String name,
                                    int type)
Get a parameter as an Object based on its name and type. The type of the returned Object will depend on the type of the parameter e.g. for XML parameters the Object will be a DOM Element. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. Returns null if parameter is not defined.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the Object value for this parameter or null if the parameter is not defined.


java.lang.Object getParameterObject(java.lang.String name,
                                    int type,
                                    java.lang.Object defVal)
Get a parameter as an Object based on its name and type. The type of the returned Object will depend on the type of the parameter e.g. for XML parameters the Object will be a DOM Element. The parameter will be returned from this object if it is present, otherwise, if a parent XQParameter is configured then the parent will be checked. If the parameter is not found then the speciedied default value will be returned.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
defVal - a default value to return if not found
the Object value for this parameter or the specified default value.


XQParameterInfo setParameter(java.lang.String name,
                             int type,
                             java.lang.String value)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified String value.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the String value for this parameter
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setIntParameter(java.lang.String name,
                                int type,
                                int value)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified int value.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the String value for this parameter
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setShortParameter(java.lang.String name,
                                  int type,
                                  short value)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified short value.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the String value for this parameter
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setLongParameter(java.lang.String name,
                                 int type,
                                 long value)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified long value.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the String value for this parameter
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setDoubleParameter(java.lang.String name,
                                   int type,
                                   double value)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified double value.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the String value for this parameter
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setFloatParameter(java.lang.String name,
                                  int type,
                                  float value)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified float value.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the String value for this parameter
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setByteParameter(java.lang.String name,
                                 int type,
                                 byte value)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified byte value.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the String value for this parameter
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setBooleanParameter(java.lang.String name,
                                    int type,
                                    boolean value)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified boolean value.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the String value for this parameter
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setParameter(java.lang.String name,
                             int type,
                             java.lang.String value,
                             java.lang.String ref)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified String value and the specified reference.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the String value for this parameter or null
ref - the reference to a resource containing data for this parameter or null.
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setParameterObject(java.lang.String name,
                                   int type,
                                   java.lang.Object value)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified Object value.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the Object value for this parameter
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


XQParameterInfo setParameterObject(java.lang.String name,
                                   int type,
                                   java.lang.Object value,
                                   java.lang.String ref)
Set a parameter based on its name and type to the specified Object value and the specified reference.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
value - the Object value for this parameter
ref - the reference to a resource containing data for this parameter or null.
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


java.util.Iterator<java.lang.String> getNames(int type)
Get a list of the parameter names that are defined of the specified type.

type - The type of parameters to return. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
a list of parameter names of the specified type


XQParameterInfo getInfo(java.lang.String name,
                        int type)
Get the full information structure for the specified parameter.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
the XQParameterInfo structure containing all information for this parameter entry.


java.util.Iterator<XQParameterInfo> getAllInfo(int type)
Get a list of XQParameterInfo structures for all parameters of the specified type.

type - The type of parameters to return. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
a list of XQParameterInfo structures of the specified type


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,XQParameterInfo> getAllInfo()
Get a Map of all parameters defined in this XQParameters object. The value of each map entry will be a XQParameterInfo structure.

a list of XQParameterInfo structures.


boolean containsParameter(java.lang.String name,
                          int type)
Check if the specified parameter exists.

name - the name of the parameter
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT
true if the parameter exists, otherwise false.


void setParent(XQParameters parent)
Set a reference to a parent XQParameter object. On get operations the parent will be checked if a parameter is not found in the current parameter instance.

parent - a reference to another XQParameter object


XQParameters getParent()
Get a reference to a parent XQParameter object. On get operations the parent will be checked if a parameter is not found in the current parameter instance.

parent - a reference to another XQParameter object


void removeParameter(java.lang.String name,
                     int type)
removes a specified parameter from the map

name - the name of the parameter to remove
type - the type of the parameter. The type can be either XQConstants.PARAM_STRING, XQConstants.PARAM_XML or XQConstants.PARAM_OBJECT


void removeAllParameters()
removes all parameters from the map


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