Interface XQProcessAddress

All Superinterfaces:, XQAddress, XQRuntimeProcess

public interface XQProcessAddress
extends XQAddress, XQRuntimeProcess

The XQProcessAddress allows a user to send to and modify the properties of a SonicXQ business process for a particular message. The user has the option of specifying the step in the process to send to in addition to the process name. This allows the user to send to a particular location in a process and have the itinerary begin execution at that point. This bypasses all steps that would have been executed before the named step. Furthermore, the XQProcessAddress allows the user to modify various properties dictating the execution context of the process. Any property that is overriden is only applicable for the particular message that is being addressed. Overrides do not change the underlying process configuration information. The properties that are overridable are the event address, the exit endpoints, the rejected message address, the fault address, the tracking id, the tracking level, and the time to live.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void setQualityOfService(XQQualityofService qos)
 void setStepName(java.lang.String step)
          sets the step name for this process address.
Methods inherited from interface com.sonicsw.xq.XQAddress
getName, getType
Methods inherited from interface com.sonicsw.xq.XQRuntimeProcess
addExitEndpoint, getEventAddress, getExitEndpoints, getFaultAddress, getInflightProperties, getQualityofService, getRMEAddress, getStepName, getTrackingID, getTrackingLevel, getTTL, removeAllExitEndpoints, removeExitEndpoint, setEventAddress, setFaultAddress, setInflightProperties, setRMEAddress, setTrackingID, setTrackingLevel, setTTL

Method Detail


void setStepName(java.lang.String step)
                 throws XQAddressNotFoundException
sets the step name for this process address.

step - the step to send to. The format is stepName:childStepName if targeting a nested process step, just stepName otherwise.
XQAddressNotFoundException - thrown when the step is not defined in the top level process. This does not check for the existence of the child steps. This check is done at the time it is sent.


void setQualityOfService(XQQualityofService qos)


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