Interface XQErrorCodes

public interface XQErrorCodes

Error Codes returned by the XQ Service Framework

Field Summary
static java.lang.String EXACTLY_ONCE_FAILURE
          Indicates that a processing error occurred in the service framework while sending a message to a service's endpoint and the QoS of the service was EXACTLY_ONCE .
static java.lang.String MESSAGE_RECEIPT_FAILURE
          Indicates that a processing error occurred in the service framework before a messages was delivered to the service method of a service.
static java.lang.String MESSAGE_SEND_FAILURE
          Indicates that a processing error occurred in the service framework while sending a message to a service's endpoint.
          Indicates that a "Quality of Service" discrepancy occurred in the service framework between the QoS of a service's entry endpoint, and the QoS of the Process that is using it.
static java.lang.String SEND_NULL_ADDRESS
          Indicates that an XQAddress of an XQMessage placed in a service's outbox is either empty or invalid.
static java.lang.String TIME_TO_LIVE_EXPIRED
          Indicates that the lifetime of a message within a process has exceed the time-to-live set for that process.
static java.lang.String XQ_ENDPOINT_EXCEPTION
          Indicates that a processing error occurred in the service framework while using a service's endpoint.
          Indicates that the maximum number of message redeliveries have been exceeded.
static java.lang.String XQ_ITINERARY_EXCEPTION
          Indicates that there was an error while parsing the itinerary from an inter-container message.
static java.lang.String XQ_SERVICE_EXCEPTION
          Indicates that the service method of a service threw an unhandled exception.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String XQ_SERVICE_EXCEPTION
Indicates that the service method of a service threw an unhandled exception. This error code is returned in the the rejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_RECEIPT_FAILURE
Indicates that a processing error occurred in the service framework before a messages was delivered to the service method of a service. This error code is returned in the the rejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROCESS_QOS_UNSUPPORTED_AT_ENDPOINT
Indicates that a "Quality of Service" discrepancy occurred in the service framework between the QoS of a service's entry endpoint, and the QoS of the Process that is using it. This error code is returned in the the rejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SEND_NULL_ADDRESS
Indicates that an XQAddress of an XQMessage placed in a service's outbox is either empty or invalid. This error code is returned in the the rejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String XQ_ENDPOINT_EXCEPTION
Indicates that a processing error occurred in the service framework while using a service's endpoint. This error code is returned in the the rejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_SEND_FAILURE
Indicates that a processing error occurred in the service framework while sending a message to a service's endpoint. This error code is returned in the the rejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String EXACTLY_ONCE_FAILURE
Indicates that a processing error occurred in the service framework while sending a message to a service's endpoint and the QoS of the service was EXACTLY_ONCE . This error code is returned in the the rejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String TIME_TO_LIVE_EXPIRED
Indicates that the lifetime of a message within a process has exceed the time-to-live set for that process. This error code is returned in the the rejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String XQ_ITINERARY_EXCEPTION
Indicates that there was an error while parsing the itinerary from an inter-container message. This error code is returned in the the rejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String XQ_GLOBAL_REDELIVERY_EXCEEDED
Indicates that the maximum number of message redeliveries have been exceeded. This error code is used in the RME message sent to the Global RME destination. This error code is returned in the the globalRejectedCode element of a rejectedMessageInfo message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


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