Package com.sonicsw.xq.adapter

Interface Summary
XQAdapterContext The XQAdapterContext contains information about the environment that an adapter is running in.
XQConnection The XQConnection contains the parameters passed to the connection instance and provides access to the JCA connection factory.
XQMessageAdapter The XQMessageAdapter is implemented by users that wish to interact with a JCA Resource Adapter within the SonicXQ framework.
XQMessageListener The XQMessageListener is created by the XQMessageListenerFactory upon receipt, by the XQResourceAdapter, of a message.
XQMessageListenerFactory The XQMessageListenerFactory creates XQMessageListener instances for dispatch purposes.
XQResourceAdapter Users must provide an implementation of XQResourceAdapter for any EIS that they wish to asynchronously receive messages from.

Class Summary
XQNotDeliveredException This exception is thrown by XQMessageListener instances to signify an error during dispatch.
XQUnavailableException This exception is thrown when an XQMessageListener cannot be created by the factory.


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