Class XQDispatchException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by com.sonicsw.xq.XQException
              extended by com.sonicsw.xq.XQDispatchException
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XQDispatchException
extends XQException

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.sonicsw.xq.XQException
Constructor Summary
          Construct a XQDispatchException using default message.
XQDispatchException(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Throwable> nestedExceptions, java.util.ArrayList<XQEnvelope> failedEnvelopes)
          Construct a XQDispatchException using the an array of exceptions and array of failed envelopes.This is only relevant when the dispatch Qos is XQQualityofService.AT_LEAST_ONCE or XQQualityofService.BEST_EFFORT.
XQDispatchException(java.lang.String message)
          Construct a XQDispatchException using the specified message.
XQDispatchException(java.lang.Throwable nestedException, XQEnvelope failedEnvelope)
          Construct a XQDispatchException using the throwable and the failed envelope.
Method Summary
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Throwable> getAllExceptions()
          Returns the array of exception(s) that resulted when asynchronous dispatches to multiple addresses failed, depending on the dispatch QoS.
 java.util.ArrayList<XQEnvelope> getFailedEnvelopes()
          Returns an array of failed envelope(s) depending on the dispatch QoS.
Methods inherited from class com.sonicsw.xq.XQException
getErrorID, getLinkedException, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, setErrorID, setLinkedException
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XQDispatchException()
Construct a XQDispatchException using default message.


public XQDispatchException(java.lang.String message)
Construct a XQDispatchException using the specified message.


public XQDispatchException(java.lang.Throwable nestedException,
                           XQEnvelope failedEnvelope)
Construct a XQDispatchException using the throwable and the failed envelope. This is only relevant when the dispatch QoS is XQQualityofService.EXCATLY_ONCE.


public XQDispatchException(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Throwable> nestedExceptions,
                           java.util.ArrayList<XQEnvelope> failedEnvelopes)
Construct a XQDispatchException using the an array of exceptions and array of failed envelopes.This is only relevant when the dispatch Qos is XQQualityofService.AT_LEAST_ONCE or XQQualityofService.BEST_EFFORT.

Method Detail


public java.util.ArrayList<XQEnvelope> getFailedEnvelopes()
Returns an array of failed envelope(s) depending on the dispatch QoS. The dispatch Qos of XQQualityofService.EXCATLY_ONCE implies that either all or none of the dispatches succeed. Hence in XQQualityofService.EXCATLY_ONCE case the returned array will contain a single envelope containing all the dispatch addresses. In case of XQQualityofService.BEST_EFFORT or XQQualityofService.AT_LEAST_ONCE, the returned array will contain all failed envelopes, where each envelope contains the message and the address that failed asynchronous dispatch.


public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Throwable> getAllExceptions()
Returns the array of exception(s) that resulted when asynchronous dispatches to multiple addresses failed, depending on the dispatch QoS. The dispatch QoS of XQQualityofService.EXCATLY_ONCE implies that either all or none of the dispatches succeed. Hence in XQQualityofService.EXCATLY_ONCE case the returned array will contain the first exception that occurred during the dispatch. In case of XQQualityofService.BEST_EFFORT or XQQualityofService.AT_LEAST_ONCE, the returned array will contain one or more exceptions that occurred while dispatching to one or more addresses.


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