Sonic Management API


Interface Summary
IBrowseToken This interface represents state information maintained by the broker for a given durable browser.
IConnectionData This interface describes a connection to a SonicMQ broker.
IConnectionMemberDetails This interface provides detailed information relating to a member of a broker connection.
IConnectionMemberInfo This interface provides basic information relating to a member of a broker connection: its name, type and references to its parent and any children.
IConnectionTreeNode This interface represents a node in the tree of connection members obtained via the IBrokerProxy getConnectionTree() method.
IDestination This interface represents a JMS destination for use by durable subscription management operations.
IDurableSubscriptionData This interface describes a JMS durable subscription registered with the SonicMQ broker.
IGlobalQueueRouteData This interface describes a global queue advertisement known a SonicMQ broker.
IMessage This interface represents a JMS Message.
IMessageHeader This interface provides access to message property information for the Management Framework.
IMessageHeaderToken A token that represent a Message Header.
IPreparedXABranchData This interface describes an in-doubt XA transaction branch held by the broker.
IQueueData This interface describes a JMS queue managed by a SonicMQ broker.
IReliableSequenceData This interface aggregates and summarizes information on reliable sequences maintained by a broker The broker exposes an operation "getRemoteSubscriptionSummary" through its JMX interface.
IRemoteSubscriptionSummary This interface aggregates and summarizes information on remote subscriptions propagated by another routing node to a broker.
IRoutingStatistic This interface describes a how many messages are pending delivery to remote brokers.
ISubscriberData This interface provides data about a subscriber registered with the SonicMQ broker.
ReplicationConnectionStateConstants This class defines constants for the values returned by runtime management operations getReplicationConnectionState() and getReplicationConnectionStateString().
ReplicationStateConstants This class defines constants for the values of the ReplicationState and ReplicationStateString attributes.

Class Summary

Exception Summary
BrokerNotActiveException A BrokerNotActiveException is thrown from those broker runtime operations that require the broker to be active, if they are invoked when it is not active.
CannotActivateException A CannotActivateException is thrown from the activateWaitingBroker() runtime operation if the attempt to activate the broker fails, because the broker is not in the correct state, or for other reasons.
ConnectionTreeUpdateException This exception indicates an invalid use of IConnectionTreeNode.graftToParent().
MFDurableOperationException An MFDurableOperationException can be thrown from a number of methods that interact with durable subscriptions.

Sonic Management API

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