Sonic Management API
Interface IConnectionMemberInfo

public interface IConnectionMemberInfo

This interface provides basic information relating to a member of a broker connection: its name, type and references to its parent and any children.

A connection member may represent an actual broker Connection, or an artefact created on that Connection such as a Session, Consumer, Queue Browser, etc... For example, a member of type 'Session' would typically have a member of type 'Connection' as its parent, and members of one or more message consumer types as its children.

See Also:
IConnectionTreeNode.getInfo(), IConnectionMemberDetails.getInfo()

Field Summary
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a cluster (interbroker) connection to another broker.
static short TYPE_CONNECTION
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a standard (application) connection.
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a routing connection to another broker.
static short TYPE_DURABLE_CC
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a durable ConnectionConsumer.
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a durable subscriber.
static short TYPE_OTHER
          Type constant indicating that the connection member is some other type not identified here.
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a queue browser.
static short TYPE_QUEUE_CC
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a queue-based ConnectionConsumer.
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a queue receiver.
static short TYPE_SESSION
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a JMS Session.
static java.lang.String[] TYPE_TEXT
          Textual representations of connection member types (indexed by TYPE_<> values).
static short TYPE_TOPIC_CC
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a non-durable ConnectionConsumer.
          Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a non-durable subscriber.
Method Summary
 java.util.ArrayList getChildRefs()
          Returns a list of connection member reference ids of type Long representing this member's children.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns a name for this connection member.
 java.lang.Long getParentRef()
          Returns the connection member reference id of this member's parent, or null if this member has no parent.
 java.lang.Long getRef()
          Returns this connection member's reference id.
 short getType()
          Returns the type constant corresponding to the connection member's type.
 java.lang.String getTypeString()
          Returns a textural description of the connection member's type.

Field Detail


static final short TYPE_CLUSTER_CONNECTION
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a cluster (interbroker) connection to another broker.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_CONNECTION
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a standard (application) connection.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_DRA_CONNECTION
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a routing connection to another broker.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_DURABLE_CC
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a durable ConnectionConsumer.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_DURABLE_SUBSCRIBER
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a durable subscriber.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_OTHER
Type constant indicating that the connection member is some other type not identified here.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_QUEUE_BROWSER
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a queue browser.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_QUEUE_CC
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a queue-based ConnectionConsumer.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_QUEUE_RECEIVER
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a queue receiver.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_SESSION
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a JMS Session.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String[] TYPE_TEXT
Textual representations of connection member types (indexed by TYPE_<> values).


static final short TYPE_TOPIC_CC
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a non-durable ConnectionConsumer.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short TYPE_TOPIC_SUBSCRIBER
Type constant indicating that the connection member represents a non-durable subscriber.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.util.ArrayList getChildRefs()
Returns a list of connection member reference ids of type Long representing this member's children. An empty list is returned if there are no children.


java.lang.String getName()
Returns a name for this connection member. The form the name takes depends on the connection member's type. For example, the connection id is used for JMS connections; the subscription name for durable subscribers.


java.lang.Long getParentRef()
Returns the connection member reference id of this member's parent, or null if this member has no parent.


java.lang.Long getRef()
Returns this connection member's reference id.


short getType()
Returns the type constant corresponding to the connection member's type.


java.lang.String getTypeString()
Returns a textural description of the connection member's type.

Sonic Management API

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