Sonic Management API
Interface IRoutingStatistic

public interface IRoutingStatistic

This interface describes a how many messages are pending delivery to remote brokers.

The broker exposes an operation "getRoutingStatistics" through its JMX interface. This operation returns an array list of IRoutingStatistic elements. This ArrayList will contain information on one or more remote nodes of which messages are to be delivered. Each IRoutingStatistic contains a remote node name a count of messages pending delivery. An IRoutingStatistic entry may exist for the local node. This IRoutingStatistic entry represents messages pending delivery to the local node (another broker in the cluster).

See Also:

Method Summary
 int getMessageCount()
          Retrieve the number of messages pending delivery for the remote broker.
 java.lang.String getRoutingNodeName()
          Retrieve the Routing node name for the remote broker pending delivery.

Method Detail


int getMessageCount()
Retrieve the number of messages pending delivery for the remote broker.

The number of messages pending delivery.


java.lang.String getRoutingNodeName()
Retrieve the Routing node name for the remote broker pending delivery.

The routing node name.

Sonic Management API

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