Sonic Management API
Interface IGlobalQueueRouteData

public interface IGlobalQueueRouteData

This interface describes a global queue advertisement known a SonicMQ broker.

The broker exposes an operation "getGlobalQueueAdvertisements" through its JMX interface. This operation returns an array list of IGlobalQueueRouteData elements. The broker also supports deleting of global queue advertisements through the "deleteGlobalQueueAdvertisements" operation which takes an array list of IGlobalQueueRouteData elements that describe which global queue advertisements should be dropped.

See Also:
IBrokerProxy.getGlobalQueueAdvertisements(java.lang.String), IBrokerProxy.deleteGlobalQueueAdvertisements(java.util.ArrayList)

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getGlobalQueueName()
          Gets the queue name of the global queue hosted by the remote node.
 java.lang.String getRoutingNode()
          Gets the remote routing node name of the DRA node hosting the global queue.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getGlobalQueueName()
Gets the queue name of the global queue hosted by the remote node.


java.lang.String getRoutingNode()
Gets the remote routing node name of the DRA node hosting the global queue.

Sonic Management API

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