Sonic Management API
Interface IQueueData

public interface IQueueData

This interface describes a JMS queue managed by a SonicMQ broker.

The broker exposes an operation "getQueues" through its JMX interface. This operation returns an array list of IQueueData elements. The broker also supports deleting of queue messages through the "deleteQueueMessages" operation which takes an array list of queue names (strings) that describe which queues should have their messages deleted.

See Also:
IBrokerProxy.getQueues(java.lang.String), IBrokerProxy.deleteQueueMessages(java.util.ArrayList)

Method Summary
 int getMessageCount()
          Returns the number of messages currently held in the queue.
 java.lang.String getQueueName()
          Gets the name of the queue for which data is provided.
 long getTotalMessageSize()
          return cummulative message size on the queue
 boolean hasTotalMessageSize()
          Check if this version of the QueueData instance contains valid information for the totla message Size
 boolean isClusteredQueue()
          Returns true if the queue is clustered queue (where messages on the same named queue on each cluster member are accessible via a queue connection to just one broker within the cluster).
 boolean isExclusiveQueue()
          Returns true if the queue is an exclusive queue.
 boolean isGlobalQueue()
          Returns true if the queue is global queue (where messages may be routed from remote DRA nodes).
 boolean isSystemQueue()
          Returns true if the queue is a system queue.
 boolean isTemporaryQueue()
          Returns true if the queue is a temporary queue created by a connected client using JMS point-to-point interfaces.

Method Detail


int getMessageCount()
Returns the number of messages currently held in the queue.


java.lang.String getQueueName()
Gets the name of the queue for which data is provided.


long getTotalMessageSize()
return cummulative message size on the queue


boolean hasTotalMessageSize()
Check if this version of the QueueData instance contains valid information for the totla message Size

true if the value is valid.


boolean isClusteredQueue()
Returns true if the queue is clustered queue (where messages on the same named queue on each cluster member are accessible via a queue connection to just one broker within the cluster).


boolean isExclusiveQueue()
Returns true if the queue is an exclusive queue.


boolean isGlobalQueue()
Returns true if the queue is global queue (where messages may be routed from remote DRA nodes).


boolean isSystemQueue()
Returns true if the queue is a system queue.

System queues are prefixed "SonicMQ."


boolean isTemporaryQueue()
Returns true if the queue is a temporary queue created by a connected client using JMS point-to-point interfaces.

Sonic Management API

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