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ABL Reference
Handle Attributes and Methods Reference : PREV-SIBLING attribute

PREV-SIBLING attribute

The previous entry in the list of handles, relative to a given handle.
Note: Returns the Unknown value (?) for a Web service procedure.
Data type: HANDLE
Access: Read-only
Applies to: Asynchronous request object handle, BROWSE widget, BUTTON widget, COMBO-BOX widget, CONTROL-FRAME widget, DIALOG-BOX widget, EDITOR widget, FIELD-GROUP widget, FILL-IN widget, FRAME widget, IMAGE widget, LITERAL widget, MENU-ITEM widget, Procedure object handle, RADIO-SET widget, RECTANGLE widget, SELECTION-LIST widget, Server object handle, SLIDER widget, Socket object handle, Server socket object handle, SUB-MENU widget, TEXT widget, TOGGLE-BOX widget, WINDOW widget
The following table summarizes the value of PREV-SIBLING for each relevant handle type.
Table 94. PREV-SIBLING attribute values by handle type
Handle type
Asynchronous Request
The handle of the previous asynchronous request submitted for execution on the AppServer or Web Server that is running the specified request.
The handle of the previous persistent procedure in the current ABL session. If the current procedure is a proxy for a persistent procedure running on an AppServer or for a Web service, specifies the previous procedure object bound to the same server handle.
The previous server handle created in the current ABL session (independent of subtype).
Socket and Server-socket
The previous socket handle in the chain of socket handles for the current ABL session. Returns the Unknown value (?) for the first handle in the chain.
The handle of the previous widget in the widget list.
Note: A widget must first be realized before it can become part of the list. A hidden widget cannot become part of the list since it is not realized. A widget that is already part of the list can be hidden and it remains part of the list.
If the given handle is the first handle in the list, PREV-SIBLING assumes the value of an invalid handle. To check the validity of a handle, use the VALID-HANDLE function.

See also

NEXT-SIBLING attribute