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Introducing OpenEdge Projects : Reference : New OpenEdge Project wizard : Select AVM and layout options page
Select AVM and layout options page
The Select AVM and layout options page of the New OpenEdge Project wizard allows you to specify the OpenEdge AVM options and the Project layout options. You can use this page to specify the project runtime, the project source folder, and the project r-code folder. The OpenEdge AVM options on this page depend upon the project type you select on the Create an OpenEdge Project page and the facets associated with it.
It contains the following controls:
Use project-specific AVM
Specifies that an AVM, dedicated solely to the project you are creating, starts whenever you open the current workspace.
To change this setting after the project is created, use the Progress OpenEdge properties page.
Use shared AVM
Specifies use of the AVM that is available to all projects in the workspace.
To change this setting after the project is created, use the Progress OpenEdge properties page.
Use TTY for runtime
Allows you to run ABL procedures and classes in a character client window rather than in a GUI window. A separate window opens for each program that you run.
The wizard automatically selects this option based on the project type you select on the Create an OpenEdge Project page.
Note: The GUI client is supported only on Windows. Therefore, on non-Windows platforms, Use TTY for runtime is automatically selected and cannot be changed. It does not change according to the type of project you select.
In addition to the client windows that open when you run programs, a runtime console is launched for the project AVM when the project opens or for the shared AVM when the workspace opens. However, by default this console window is hidden.
After the project is created, to change the TTY setting or to make the project runtime console visible, use the Progress OpenEdge properties page (if using a project-specific AVM) or the Shared AVM preferences page.
Use project root directory for source and r-code
Specifies that source and r-code will be in the top-level of the project folder.
Note: This option is selected by default.
Use separate source and r-code directories
Specifies where source and r-code are located if the location is other than the project root directory. Paths must be specified relative to the project root directory.
Note: This setting establishes a relationship only between one source location and specified corresponding r-code destination. If r-code is generated from source residing in any other location in the project, it will end up, by default, in the same directory as the source. Also note that the default build destination property can be changed if you clear the Source directory selection but retain the R-code directory selection. The specified r-code destination will be applicable to source code from any location in the project.
After the project is created, use the Build or PROPATH/Source properties pages to modify or extend these settings.