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Introducing the Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge Visual Designer : Tasks : Developing a visual container : Working with UI controls : Linking controls to data : Creating a binding source object : Importing a schema
Importing a schema
You can import a schema definition from any of the following sources:
*A database connected to the current project
*A valid XSD file generated by means of the ABL function WRITE-XMLSCHEMA
*An ABL source file containing a schema definition, such as a ProDataSet
You have the option of either adding the imported schema to the current schema definition, or replacing the current definition with the imported one.
To import a schema definition:
1. Open the ProBindingSource Designer. You can do this by drag-and-drop or by using the Toolbox, as described in the two preceding sections; or you can edit an existing binding source object.
2. If you want to add an imported schema to the current schema definition, in the tree view in the Tables pane, select the table that is to be the parent of the imported schema.
3. Click ImportFromDB.gif to import from a connected database, or click ImportFromFile.gif to import from a file.
*If importing from a database, select the desired schema elements.
*If importing from a source file, browse to and select the file.
4. The database schema appears in the Available Schema pane on the ProBindingSource Designer.
5. In the Available Schema pane, select tables and columns that you want to add to the current schema definition.
6. Click Add. The selected tables appear in the Tables pane and the columns in the Fields pane. You can define a recursive relation between tables in the current schema definition.
7. The schema defined using the ProBindingSource Designer appears as a ProBindingSource object in the Design Canvas.