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Introducing the Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge Visual Designer : Tasks : Developing a visual container : Working with UI controls : Linking controls to data : Creating a binding source object : Manually defining the schema
Manually defining the schema
To create a binding source object and define the schema manually:
1. Create or edit the container (ABL Form, ABL Dialog, or ABL MDI Form).
2. Select the ProBindingSource control in the Toolbox and place an instance of it on the form. An object with the default name bindingSource1 appears in the non-visual control tray at the bottom of the Design Canvas, and the ProBindingSource Designer appears automatically.
3. Click Add Table AddTable.gif. A top-level table node appears in the Tables pane, with one default field node beneath it.
4. Use the toolbar buttons to add, remove, or reorder elements, or drag and drop to change the table hierarchy:
*To add a table, select the existing table that is to be the parent of the new one, and click AddTable.gif.
*To add a field, select the existing table that is to contain the field, and click AddField.gif.
*To remove a schema element, select it and click Delete button.gif. Deleting a table deletes all of its children.
*To change the order of elements, select one or more tables or fields and click UpSchema.gif or DownSchema.gif to move them up or down. You cannot use this technique to change the hierarchical relationship of elements; you can move them only within their current level. To move multiple tables, you must select only sibling elements (that is, tables that have the same immediate parent).
*To change the table hierarchy, select one or more sibling tables and drag them, pointing the arrow cursor at the table that is to become their parent. Release the mouse button to complete the operation. Dragging columns is not supported.
5. To import the schema, see Importing a schema
6. You can edit the name of a table node, and the name, label, and data type of a field node. To do so, select the element in the Tables or Fields pane, and change the current values as appropriate by typing directly in the rightmost pane.
7. Click OK to save the current schema definition.