Fields in Browse
Displays the fields currently defined for the selected browse.
Select to add fields to the browse definition (accesses the Multi-Field Selector dialog box.)
Select to remove the highlighted fields in the Fields in Browse selection list from the browse definition.
Move Up
Select to move the highlighted fields in the Fields in Browse selection list one line position higher in the list.
Move Down
Select to move the highlighted fields in the Fields in Browse selection list one line position lower in the list.
Select to enable the user to type in the field without the browse automatically clearing the initial value. When unselected, the initial value is erased as soon as the user begins typing in the field.
Select to enable the user to tab to the column without enabling it for editing.
Select to have the browse automatically act as if the user had pressed RETURN after typing the last allowable character in the field.
Activate to enable the highlighted fields in the Fields in Browse selection list.
Select to make the column visible.
Select to enable the browse to automatically resize the column when its FORMAT attribute changes at runtime.
Enable All
Enables all the fields in the Fields in Browse selection list.
Disable All
Disables all the fields in the Fields in Browse selection list.
Calculated Field
Displays the Calculated Field Editor dialog that allows you to add a calculated field to the browse definition.
Displays the Calculated Field Editor dialog that allows you to add a calculated field to the browse definition.
Select to change the foreground and background colors for the browse column associated with the highlighted field in the Fields in Browse selection list.
Select to change the font for the browse column associated with the highlighted field in the Fields in Browse selection list.
Select to enter translations for the column label and help.
Select to change the visualization of the column to a combo-box or toggle-box.
Enter a label for the browse column associated with the highlighted field in the Fields in Browse selection list.
Select to change the foreground and background colors for the browse column label associated with the highlighted field in the Fields in Browse selection list.
Select to change the font for the browse column label associated with the highlighted field in the Fields in Browse selection list.
Enter the display format for the browse column associated with the highlighted field in the Fields in Browse selection list.
Format Help
Select to access the Format dialog box for assistance in setting the column display format.
Enter the maximum characters for the column.
Column Help
Enter a help string for the browse column associated with the highlighted field in the Fields in Browse selection list. At run time, this help string will be displayed in the window status area whenever the browse column is selected.