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Programming Interfaces
Audit Policy Maintenance APIs : API overview : Reference to API procedure files

Reference to API procedure files

The following table lists all the persistent and non-persistent procedures that comprise these APIs, their purposes, and where you can find them documented in this appendix.
Table 76. Audit Policy Maintenance API procedure files
This procedure filein src\auditing...
Performs this function...
As described in the...
Reads and saves audit configurations using a generic utility API (persistent)
Reads and saves audit configurations using a caching API (persistent)
Gets a list of connected databases with additional information about each database
Exports policies from a ProDataSet to an XML file
Exports policies from a connected database to an XML file
Fills the specified ProDataSet with the _aud-event table records from a specified database
Either checks for audit policy conflicts or aggregates all active audit policies, returning a list of all data being audited
Reads the audit policies from a specified database into the specified ProDataSet
Imports an XML file containing audit policies into either a database or a ProDataSet using an internal API (persistent)
Saves to a database the tracked changes to policies stored in a ProDataSet