To access a COM object, you have to define a component handle for it and set the handle value using the appropriate object instantiation. For example:
To instantiate an Automation object, you use the
CREATE Automation Object statement. For more information, on instantiating Automation objects, see
ActiveXAutomation Support.
To instantiate an ActiveX control, you use the AppBuilder at design time to select and configure the control, and to generate ABL that instantiates the control at runtime. This AppBuilder-generated ABL includes the
CREATE Widget statement to create the control-frame widget and the
LoadControls() method to associate the control instance with the control-frame COM object. For more information on instantiating ActiveX controls, see
ActiveXControl Support.
Access to COM object properties and methods is the same for both Automation objects and ActiveX controls. ABL supports event management for both Automation objects and ActiveX controls. For information on ActiveX Automation object event management, see
ActiveXAutomation Support. For information on ActiveX control event management, see
ActiveXControl Support.