In ABL, a temp-table field can be defined with an extent (an integer value). This extent specifies the size of an array field, which is a one-dimensional array of the specified data type. Similarly in a Java SDO
DataObject, the
Type associated with a
Property object can be defined as many-valued. Thus, a many-valued property of any of the Java data types listed in
Mappingsingle-valued fields can be mapped to a temp-table array field of the corresponding ABL data type.
ProDataObject class has methods for setting and getting the values of its many-valued column
Property objects, accessed as
List objects by property name or index. To determine if a
Property object is many-valued, you can use the
isMany() method on the
Property. For more information on working with the values of many-valued properties, see the descriptions of the
getList() and
setList() methods in
ProDataObject class.