OpenEdge releases prior to 10.1A provide only a streaming data model for accessing temp-tables (
TABLE-HANDLE only) as parameters using the
java.sql.ResultSet object. This model requires the client application (for output parameters) or the Open Client proxy (for input parameters) to request data from the sender (through the SQL
ResultSet) instead of allowing the sender to set the data in the receiver. It relies on a call back mechanism to access the data one row at a time. Thus, a temp-table is accessible in only one direction, like a one-directional tape. For more information on the SQL ResultSet mechanism, see
Passing Temp-tables as SQL ResultSet Parameters.
The Java SDO architecture available in the current release is based on a disconnected data model that caches rows of temp-table data in memory using the
DataObject interface. This model provides a scrollable access mechanism that allows you to directly access any row of a temp-table that is part of an ABL
DATASET-HANDLE parameter and also any row of single temp-table passed as a
TABLE-HANDLE parameter. (For more information on accessing
TABLE-HANDLE parameters, see
Passing temp-tables as ProDataGraph parameters.)