The WebClient Application Assembler lets you easily create the files you need to deploy and update WebClient applications. After you complete your application development and compile your application code, you use the WebClient Application Assembler to generate files for deploying and updating the front end of your applications. This tool aids in the following tasks for deploying and updating of your WebClient application:
Generating an application configuration (
.prowcapp) file for deploying the application, and packaging it into a cabinet (
.prowcapc) file.
Identifying components and generating cabinet (
.cab) files that contain your application files and updates to your application files.
For more information, see
Deploying an Application
Using the Application Assembler, you can implement installations and updates that use IntelliStream technology, non-IntelliStream technology, or a combination of the two. For more information, see the
UsingIntelliStream technology, the
Usingnon-IntelliStream technology, and the
Using IntelliStream with non-IntelliStream technologies.