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WebClient Applications
Overview : WebClient architecture : Using non-IntelliStream technology

Using non-IntelliStream technology

The non-IntelliStream initial download (which includes WebClient and the application) can use Web-based or CDROM-based external installer technology such as InstallShield and similar technologies that can install and uninstall applications.
The CDROM option is for customers who have slow communication lines. But the focus of WebClient is to deploy to end users over the Web.
The WebClient distribution includes an installation image for installing WebClient on the end user's machine.
To prepare the application for the initial download, the application deployer prepares an installation procedure, using InstallShield One-Click Install technology or any other technology executable from a Web browser.
You can customize the WebClient installation so it automatically starts the application installation.
To start the initial download using a Web browser, the end user goes to the application deployer's Web site and clicks on a button. This initiates the WebClient, and the application is downloaded and installed on the end user's machine.