2. In the General section, enter relevant data, as explained below:
a. Specify a name and description for the business calendar in the Name and Description boxes respectively.
You should not use the following special characters in the name or description while defining a calendar: <, >, ‘, ", %, ;, +, \, and |.
b. Select the geographical time zone to be used for the business calendar from the Time Zone drop-down list.
The Name, Description, and Time Zone fields are required.
c. Define the Year Range for the business calendar by selecting the start and end years from the From and To drop-down lists respectively.
d. Define the Regular Business Hours by specifying the start and end times using the Start Time and End Time drop-down lists respectively.
e. Define the Mid-Day Break by specifying the start and end times using the Start Time and End Time drop-down lists respectively.
3. Open the Working Time section to define working time.
You can define working time if you want to specify business hours different than the regular business hours defined in the General section. For more information, see Managingworking time.
4. Open the Non-working Time section to define non-working time.
If you want to specify a holiday or weekend, then you can define it in the Non-working Time section. For more information, see Managingnon-working time.
5. Click:
Save to define the new business calendar and go back to the previous page.
Reset to reset the form and remove the information you just entered.
Cancel to cancel the action and exit the current page.