Save to add the new non-working time and go back to the previous page.
Save & Add New to save the current non-working time and reload the current window to add another non-working time.
Reset to reset the form and remove the information you just entered.
Cancel to cancel the action and exit the current window.
The new non-working time is added in the Non-working Time table.
2. To change the details of the non-working time, in the Non-working Time table, click the non-working time name link in the Name column, whose details you want to change.
The Non-working Time Details window appears.
a. The name of the non-working time is displayed in read-only mode.
b. Select appropriate options from the other panels depending on the type of holiday you want to define.
Save to update the new non-working time and go back to the previous page.
Reset to reset the form and remove the information you just entered.
Delete to remove the current non-working time.
Cancel to cancel the action and exit the current window.
The updated non-working time is added in the Non-working Time table.
3. To delete one or more non-working time entries, select the non-working time entries that you want to delete from the table, and then click Delete Non-working Time.