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Customization Guide
Developing custom Managed Adapters : Adding a library to your project

Adding a library to your project

To add the oebpsadapterframework.jar library to your project, so that the project is successfully compiled and exported as an Eclipse plugin:
1. For the plug-in project, create the \lib folder and copy the oebpsadapterframework.jar file from Studio_Home\eclipse\plugins\<build_timestamp>\lib folder to this folder.
2. From the project’s Properties, click Java Build Path > Libraries > Add JARs to add the \lib\oebpsadapterframework.jar file.
3. Add the oebpsadapterframework.jar file to plug-in runtime classpath in the Runtime tab of the "plugin.xml" editor for this project.
a. From the Classpath section of the Runtime tab, click Add to add the \lib\oebpsadapterframework.jar file.
You can now create the adapter configurator class for this project by extending the com.savvion.sbm.adapters.framework.AdapterConfiguratorBase super class (as shown in Figure 17).
Figure 17. Creating Adapter Configurator class
Ensure that you use the same package and class name as specified in the "configuratorClass" attribute, while editing the plugin.xml (Figure 15). After creating, configure the adapter configurator, for instance, as following for this project:
package com.savvion.demo;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import com.savvion.sbm.adapters.framework.AdapterConfiguratorBase;
public class DemoAdapterConfigurator extends AdapterConfiguratorBase {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  public void init(JPanel panel) throws Exception {
    panel.add(new JLabel("Demo Adapter GUI"));