Interface Summary |
IBackupStatus |
ICanonicalName |
The implmentation of this interface represents the canonical name form
of a container ot component. |
IChildContainerState |
The implmentation of this interface represents the state of a child container
managed by an Activation Daemon. |
ICollectiveOpStatus |
Contains the status of a collective invocation of an operation or a collective setup of an attribute. |
IComponentIdentity |
Represents the identity of component runtime instances. |
IComponentState |
Indicates the runtime state of a component within its container. |
IContainerExitCodes |
This interface describes the possible exit codes that may be generated on container termination. |
IContainerIdentity |
Represents the identity of container runtime instances. |
IContainerState |
The implmentation of this interface represents the state of a container and
all its hosted components. |
IFaultTolerantState |
Indicates the general permissible set of fault tolerant states. |
IFileDescriptor |
File information to be sent remotely from the Host Manager to a client |
IIdentity |
A base interface representing the runtime identity of runtime entities. |
IMonitoredMetrics |
The IMonitoredMetrics interface represents a collection of stored metrics
that are retrieved from a CollectionsMonitor instance, along with the timestamp of the
last retrieved metric and a flag to indicate if there are any additional stored
metrics to be retrieved from the CollectionsMonitor. |
IMonitoredNotifications |
The IMonitoredNotifications interface represents a collection of stored notifications
that are retrieved from a CollectionsMonitor instance, along with the timestamp of the
last retrieved notification and a flag to indicate if there are any additional stored
notifications to be retrieved from the CollectionsMonitor. |
INotification |
The notification interface represents a notification emitted from a Sonic
Management Framework compliant component. |
IRemoteCallResult |
IRemoteExecResult |
IState |
A base interface for interfaces that describe container or component runtime state. |
IStateController |
State controllers cause the behavioral change required by a transition from on
particular state to another particular state. |
IStateListener |
State listener methods are called for all state changes. |
IStateManager |
A concrete implementation of the IStateManager interface acts as a central point
for managing the state of an entity, such as the fault tolerant state of the DS or AM. |