Sonic Management API


Interface Summary
IAggregateMetric An AggregatedMetric extends the basic metric by encapsulating the sources of the metrics from which the aggregate metric value was derived.
IAggregateMetricsData Classes that implement this interface encapsulate multiple metrics and their runtime value at a particular collection time.
IAlert An alert defines a high or low threshold value for a particular metric.
IHistoricalMetric A HistoricalMetric extends the basic metric by encapsulating the source of the metric.
IHistoricalMetricsData Classes that implement this interface encapsulate multiple metrics and their runtime value at a particular collection time.
IMetric A metric provides the numeric value of a metric identity (as captured at some point in time).
IMetricIdentity Individual metrics are identified as leaves in a tree.
IMetricInfo A metric info object provides meta-data about one of the following: an instance metric parent (e.g.
IMetricsData Classes that implement this interface encapsulate multiple metrics and their runtime value at a particular collection time.
IValueType Metric values are one of the types described in this interface.

Class Summary
MetricsFactory Component developers are required to use the factory to create instances of implementations of the core metrics interfaces (of this pakage).

Sonic Management API

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