Sonic Management API
Interface IContainerState

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable, IState

public interface IContainerState
extends IState

The implmentation of this interface represents the state of a container and all its hosted components.

See Also:

Field Summary
static short STATE_OFFLINE
          Indicates the container is offline.
static short STATE_ONLINE
          Indicates the container is online (in operational state).
static java.lang.String[] STATE_TEXT
          Textual representations of container states (indexed by STATE_<> values).
static short STATE_UNKNOWN
          Indicates the container state cannot be determined.
Method Summary
 IComponentState[] getComponentStates()
          Get a list of the state of all the components hosted by the container.
 java.lang.String getContainerHost()
          Get the IP hostname of the machine hosting the container.
 long getTimeStamp()
          Get the time the state value was captured.
Methods inherited from interface
compareTo, equals, getRuntimeIdentity, getState, getStateString

Field Detail


static final short STATE_OFFLINE
Indicates the container is offline. The container is either not contactable or a shutdown has been triggered the offline state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final short STATE_ONLINE
Indicates the container is online (in operational state).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String[] STATE_TEXT
Textual representations of container states (indexed by STATE_<> values).


static final short STATE_UNKNOWN
Indicates the container state cannot be determined.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


IComponentState[] getComponentStates()
Get a list of the state of all the components hosted by the container.


java.lang.String getContainerHost()
Get the IP hostname of the machine hosting the container.


long getTimeStamp()
Get the time the state value was captured.

Sonic Management API

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