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Using the driver : Using connection properties : Additional properties

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Additional properties

The following table summarizes additional connection properties.
Table 13. Additional properties
Determines which type of metadata information is included in result sets when an application calls DatabaseMetaData methods.
If set to 0, result sets do not contain remarks or synonyms.
If set to 1, result sets for the DatabaseMetaData method getTables() contain remarks information, and result sets for the DatabaseMetaData method getColumns() contains remarks information and default column values.
If set to 2, result sets contain synonyms that are returned from the following DatabaseMetaData methods: getColumns(), getExportedKeys(), getFunctionColumns(), getFunctions(), getImportedKeys(), getIndexInfo(), getPrimaryKeys(), getProcedureColumns(), and getProcedures().
If set to 3, result sets contain synonyms, remarks information, and default column values (as described for values 1 and 2).
If set to 4 or 6, a hint is provided to the driver to emulate getColumns() calls using the ResultSetMetaData object instead of querying database catalogs for column information. Result sets contain synonyms, but no remarks.
If set to 8, result sets contain accurate metadata information for VARRAY, TABLE, and OBJECT data when the following DatabaseMetaData methods are called: getColumns(), getProcedureColumns(), and getFunctionColumns(). Setting this value can negatively impact performance.
If set to 10, results sets contain accurate metadata information for VARRAY, TABLE, and OBJECT data (as described for value 8) and synonyms for other data types (as described for value 2).
The default is 2.
The code page to be used by the driver to convert Character data. The specified code page overrides the default database code page or column collation. All Character data returned from or written to the database is converted using the specified code page.
If set to utf8, the driver uses the UTF-8 code page to send data to the Oracle server as Unicode. The UTF-8 code page converts data from the Java String format UTF-16 to UTF-8.
If set to sjis, the driver uses the SHIFT-JIS code page to convert character data to the JA16SJIS character set.
If set to enhanced_sjis, the driver uses the ENHANCED_SJIS code page to convert character data from the Java String format UTF-16 to SJIS as defined by the ICU character conversion library. In addition, it maps the following MS-932 characters to the corresponding SJIS encoding for those characters.
If set to enhanced_sjis_oracle, the driver uses the ENHANCED_SJIS_ORACLE code page to convert Character data from the Java String format UTF-16 to Oracle’s definition of SJIS.
If set to ms932, the driver uses the Microsoft MS932 code page to convert Character data from the Java String format UTF-16 to SJIS. This value is provided for backward compatibility because earlier versions of the driver used the MS932 code page when converting Character data to JA16SJIS.
If set to euc_jp_solaris, the driver uses the EUC_JP_Solaris code page to convert Character data to the EUC_JP character set.
By default, the driver automatically determines which code page to use to convert Character data. Use this property only if you need to change the driver’s default behavior.
Determines the redo log behavior. Typically, redo changes that are generated by update transactions are written to disk immediately when a transaction is committed, and the session waits for the disk write to complete before returning control to the application. For Oracle 10g R2 and higher databases, the log writer can write the redo changes to disk in its own time instead of immediately and return control to the application before the disk write is complete instead of waiting. This property controls this behavior by setting the value of the Oracle COMMIT_WRITE session parameter.
An alias for the DatabaseName property.
Specifies the name of the database or instance to which you want to connect.
The name of the Oracle edition the driver uses when establishing a connection. Oracle 11gR2 and higher allows your database administrator to create multiple editions of schema objects so that your application can still use those objects while the database is being upgraded. This property is only valid for Oracle 11g R2 and higher databases and tells the driver which edition of the schema objects to use.
Determines whether the driver enables Oracle’s server-side resultset caching feature, which stores the result set in database memory so that it can be reused. Server-side resultset caching can improve performance if your application executes the same query multiple times.
This property only applies to connections to Oracle 11g database servers that support server-side resultset caching.
If set to true, the driver enables server-side resultset caching.
If set to false, the driver does not enable server-side resultset caching.
The default is false.
Specifies the initial size (in bytes) of the buffer in which the driver places column values when they are retrieved. This option sets the initial size only; the buffer will adjust dynamically as needed to accommodate larger values. For optimal memory usage, the size of the buffer only needs to be as large as the data it holds.
If set to -1 or 0, the driver automatically determines an initial column buffer size that is based on the width of the column being bound.
If set to x, the driver adjusts the buffer to the specified size.
The default is -1.
Specifies one or multiple SQL commands to be executed by the driver after it has established the connection to the database and has performed all initialization for the connection. If the execution of a SQL command fails, the connection attempt also fails and the driver throws an exception indicating which SQL command or commands failed.
Determines the amount of memory used by the driver to cache insensitive result set data.
If set to -1, the driver caches insensitive result set data in memory. If the size of the result set exceeds available memory, an OutOfMemoryException is generated. With no need to write result set data to disk, the driver processes the data efficiently.
If set to 0, the driver caches insensitive result set data in memory, up to a maximum of 2 GB. If the size of the result set data exceeds available memory, the driver pages the result set data to disk. Because result set data may be written to disk, the driver may have to reformat the data to write it correctly to disk.
If set to x, the driver caches insensitive result set data in memory and uses this value to set the size (in KB) of the memory buffer for caching insensitive result set data. If the size of the result set data exceeds available memory, the driver pages the result set data to disk. Because the result set data may be written to disk, the driver may have to reformat the data to write it correctly to disk. Specifying a buffer size that is a power of 2 results in efficient memory use.
The default is 2048.
Specifies the size of prefetch data the driver returns for BLOBs and CLOBs. LOBPrefetchSize is supported for Oracle database versions and higher.
If set to -1, the property is disabled.
If set to 0, the driver returns only LOB meta-data such as LOB length and chunk size with the LOB locator during a fetch operation.
If set to x, the driver returns LOB meta-data and the beginning of LOB data with the LOB locator during a fetch operation. This can have significant performance impact, especially for small LOBs which can potentially be entirely prefetched, because the data is available without having to go through the LOB protocol.
The default is 4000.
Determines whether the driver returns items that are in the Oracle Recycle Bin for the getTables(), getColumns(), and getTablePrivileges() methods. For Oracle 10g R1 and higher, when a table is dropped, it is not actually removed from the database, but is placed in the recycle bin.
If set to true, the driver fetches items contained in the Oracle Recycle Bin.
If set to false, the driver does not return items contained in the Oracle Recycle Bin. Functionally, this means that the driver filters out results whose table name begins with BIN$.
The default is true.
Determines whether the driver returns table name information in the ResultSet metadata for Select statements.
By default, the driver does not perform additional processing to determine the correct table name for each column in the result set when the ResultSetMetaData.getTableName() method is called. The getTableName() method may return an empty string for each column in the result set.
Specifies the size in bytes of the Session Data Unit (SDU) that the driver requests when connecting to the server. The SDU is equivalent to the maximum size of database protocol packets sent across the network. This property serves only as a suggestion to the database server. The actual SDU is negotiated with the database server.
Determines whether FLOAT, BINARY_FLOAT, and BINARY_DOUBLE parameters are sent to the database server as a string or as a floating point number.
If set to true, the driver sends FLOAT, BINARY_FLOAT, and BINARY_DOUBLE parameters to the database server as string values.
If set to false, the driver sends FLOAT, BINARY_FLOAT, and BINARY_DOUBLE parameters to the database server as floating point numbers. When Oracle overloaded stored procedures are used, this value ensures that the database server can determine the correct stored procedure to call based on the parameter’s data type.
The default is false.
Specifies whether the connection is established using a shared or dedicated server process (UNIX) or thread (Windows).
If set to shared, the server process to be used is retrieved from a pool. The socket connection between the client and server is made to a dispatcher process on the server. This setting allows there to be fewer processes than the number of connections, reducing the need for server resources. Use this value when a server must handle many users with fewer server resources.
If set to dedicated, a server process is created to service only that connection. When that connection ends, so does the process (UNIX) or thread (Windows). The socket connection is made directly between the application and the dedicated server process or thread. When connecting to UNIX servers, a dedicated server process can provide significant performance improvement, but uses more resources on the server. When connecting to Windows servers, the server resource penalty is insignificant. Use this value if you have a batch environment with low numbers of users.
If unspecified, the driver uses the server type set on the server.
Enables DataDirect Spy to log detailed information about calls issued by the driver on behalf of the application. DataDirect Spy is not enabled by default.
Determines whether the driver uses ORA_CHAR or ORA_VARCHAR bindings for string parameters in a Where clause. Using ORA_VARCHAR bindings can improve performance, but may cause matching problems for CHAR columns.
If set to true, the driver uses ORA_CHAR bindings.
If set to false, the driver uses ORA_VARCHAR bindings. Use this value if your application does not match string parameters against CHAR columns. For example, in the following code, if col1 is defined as a CHAR(10) and the column name has the string 'abc' in it, the match will fail.
The default is true.
Determines whether the driver supports Oracle linked servers, which means a mapping has been defined in one Oracle server to another Oracle server.
If set to true, the driver supports Oracle linked servers. When Oracle linked servers are supported, the driver does not support distributed transactions.
If set to false, the driver does not support Oracle linked servers. In addition, the driver supports distributed transactions. In most cases, setting this property to false provides the best performance.
The default is false.
Specifies whether the user is logged on the database with the Oracle system privilege SYSDBA or the Oracle system privilege SYSOPER. For example, you may want the user to be granted the SYSDBA privilege to allow the user to create or drop a database. Refer to your Oracle documentation for information about which operations are authorized for the SYSDBA and SYSOPER system privileges.