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Connection property descriptions : SysLoginRole

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Specifies whether the user is logged on the database with the Oracle system privilege SYSDBA or the Oracle system privilege SYSOPER. For example, you may want the user to be granted the SYSDBA privilege to allow the user to create or drop a database.
Refer to your Oracle documentation for information about which operations are authorized for the SYSDBA and SYSOPER system privileges.

Valid values



If set to sysdba, the user is logged on the database with the Oracle system privilege SYSDBA. The user must be granted SYSDBA system privileges before the connection is attempted by the driver. If not, the driver throws an exception and the connection attempt fails.
If set to sysoper, the user is logged on the database with the Oracle system privilege SYSOPER. The user must be granted SYSOPER system privileges before the connection is attempted by the driver. If not, the driver throws an exception and the connection attempt fails.
If this property is set to an empty string or is unspecified, the user is logged in without SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges.

Data source method



empty string

Data type
