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Connection property descriptions : CodePageOverride

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The code page to be used by the driver to convert Character data. The specified code page overrides the default database code page or column collation. All Character data that is returned from or written to the database is converted using the specified code page. This option has no effect on how the driver converts character data to the national character set.
By default, the driver automatically determines which code page to use to convert Character data. Use this property only if you need to change the driver’s default behavior.

Valid values

utf8 | sjis | enhanced_sjis | enhanced_sjis_oracle | ms932 | euc_jp_solaris


If set to utf8, the driver uses the UTF-8 code page to send data to the Oracle server as Unicode. The UTF-8 code page converts data from the Java String format UTF-16 to UTF-8.
If set to sjis, the driver uses the SHIFT-JIS code page to convert character data to the JA16SJIS character set.
If set to enhanced_sjis, the driver uses the ENHANCED_SJIS code page to convert character data from the Java String format UTF-16 to SJIS as defined by the ICU character conversion library. In addition, it maps the following MS-932 characters to the corresponding SJIS encoding for those characters:
Wave dash
Double vertical line
Cent sign
Minus sign
Pound sign
Not sign
This value is provided for backward compatibility. Only use this value when the Oracle database character set is SHIFT_JIS.
If set to enhanced_sjis_oracle, the driver uses the ENHANCED_SJIS_ORACLE code page to convert Character data from the Java String format UTF-16 to Oracle’s definition of SJIS. When the driver connects to an Oracle database with a JA16SJIS character set, the driver uses this code page by default. The ENHANCED_SJIS_ORACLE code page is a super set of the MS932 code page. Only use this value when the Oracle database character set is SHIFT_JIS.
If set to ms932, the driver uses the Microsoft MS932 code page to convert Character data from the Java String format UTF-16 to SJIS. This value is provided for backward compatibility because earlier versions of the driver used the MS932 code page when converting Character data to JA16SJIS. Only use this value when the Oracle database character set is SHIFT_JIS.
If set to euc_jp_solaris, the driver uses the EUC_JP_Solaris code page to convert Character data to the EUC_JP character set.

Data source method




Data type
